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#2371 by Bob
Sun May 01, 2005 10:03 am
I can not get AEC_MODL, windows or doors to recognize the walls I have drawn. I don’t have any trouble with windows or doors in the Architect menu. I have played with layer search, various window settings, different files and newly drawn walls. I also changed snap settings and z heights. Any ideas?

#2373 by Paul Nida
Sun May 01, 2005 3:40 pm
This is not surprising since the AEC_MODL macro is a 3d macro and only works on slabs and 3d polygons. You can explode your 2d wall lines to 3d polygons. Or, if you want to keep it in 2d, you can use the DCAD_AEC macro instead.
#2374 by Bob
Sun May 01, 2005 5:10 pm
Paul, Thank you very much. It worked perfectly. 3d is fun but for a guy who doesn’t get to work on cad every day the learning process is slow. Thanks again. Bob
#2412 by Miguel Palaoro
Mon May 02, 2005 4:04 pm
Hello Bob,

Just some tips for building your model in 3D:

a) Create a "new" layer named "3D Walls" and copy into there the content of your 2D walls layer;
b) Turn off the other layers leaving on just the 3D Walls;
c) Using "Architect/Windows" menu option 'Remove', you can 'heal' the walls by removing all openings;
d) Verify (or Change if necessary) Z-Base/Z-Hite to get the walls with the actual high;
e) Explode the 2D entities (lines) of the walls, into Polygons;
f) Use the AEC/Modl macro to insert 3D windows and doors;

Pay attention to the layers where you will work. You can create as much layers as you want to have a better management of colors and textures later.

Good job.
#2413 by Paul Nida
Mon May 02, 2005 6:53 pm
You are very welcome, Bob. And I agree with what Miguel had to add. This is a good way to start 3d work.
#2443 by Bob
Tue May 03, 2005 6:40 pm
Thanks Miguel, The drawing was simple enough at this point for me to trace the walls on a new layer with different heights then I converted the walls to polygons and inserted windows over the original locations. I have had Datacad for several years/versions but am only now getting a chance to really spend some time with it. This forum is great thanks for the help guys.

#2459 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed May 04, 2005 4:05 pm
You are welcome Bob. I second Paul. This is a great moment for DataCAD.


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