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#25832 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:37 am

I have two suggestions at the moment:

Can the extents of the MultiWindows be changed to fit the lesser size of the extents of the drawing area?

While I was browsing this forum (in FireFox, if it matters), v12 popped onto the screen just after doing an Auto Save -- if this continues, it could become quite annoying...
#25835 by pkbldr
Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:43 am
I would add allowing the Layer manager to remain open while working.
With three monitors there's plenty of real estate.
#25839 by joshhuggins
Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:56 am
Neil Blanchard wrote:While I was browsing this forum (in FireFox, if it matters), v12 popped onto the screen just after doing an Auto Save -- if this continues, it could become quite annoying...
Your not alone on this on Neil. I reported this via email to tech support on 6/22 for RC24 but haven't had it happen today with 12.00 but I haven't been using it too much yet, It doesn't seem to be only with browsing. I think it steels focus from any open window, but I do think it's related to doing something funky during a previous auto-save that triggers it and then it keeps doing it until you re-start Datacad.

As for your multi window wish I wish we could specify a docked size in the ini file. I'd like to dock them up next to my toolbars nice and small about 1/4 of their current docked size.
#25845 by Mark Toce
Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:18 pm
joshhuggins wrote:
Neil Blanchard wrote:While I was browsing this forum (in FireFox, if it matters), v12 popped onto the screen just after doing an Auto Save -- if this continues, it could become quite annoying...
Your not alone on this on Neil. I reported this via email to tech support on 6/22 for RC24 but haven't had it happen today
Ever since Josh reported it, I've made an effort to remember to keep DataCAD open in the background while doing other things and have not had this happen once yet...
#25856 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:28 pm

I strongly believe that the default smart wall width should be 3 1/2"; not 4 1/2".

This is based on what I believe is much better drafting practice of showing the walls on the plans at the width of their structure; NOT their finish width. This is so that when you dimension them (to their face(s), and NOT their centerline -- more on this momentarily), the dimension is correct. If you dimension to the finish face, then the builder is forced to do the math in order to correctly locate the wall -- and this is far too risky!

As for dimensioning to the centerline of the wall, this too is fraught with problems -- they snap a chalk line at the centerline -- and when they erect to wall, it covers the line... :roll: And if they snap an offset line to one face, again they have to do the math -- so I think it makes sense for me to tell them the location of the face of the wall in the first place. This also lets me put the dimension on the face I want to "control".


On the Auto Save issue, it just happened again -- it seemed to coincide with MailWasher beeping to tell me I had new email? I was typing this post, heard the beep from MailWasher, and then the DataCAD window appeared on the screen.
#25860 by Michael Olney
Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:52 pm
Neil Blanchard wrote:While I was browsing this forum (in FireFox, if it matters), v12 popped onto the screen just after doing an Auto Save...

I use Firefox regularly and I have never had this happen to me.
Neil Blanchard wrote:I strongly believe that the default smart wall width should be 3 1/2"; not 4 1/2".

This is based on what I believe is much better drafting practice of showing the walls on the plans at the width of their structure; NOT their finish width. This is so that when you dimension them (to their face(s), and NOT their centerline -- more on this momentarily), the dimension is correct. If you dimension to the finish face, then the builder is forced to do the math in order to correctly locate the wall -- and this is far too risky!

As for dimensioning to the centerline of the wall, this too is fraught with problems -- they snap a chalk line at the centerline -- and when they erect to wall, it covers the line... :Rolling Eyes: And if they snap an offset line to one face, again they have to do the math -- so I think it makes sense for me to tell them the location of the face of the wall in the first place. This also lets me put the dimension on the face I want to "control".

I agree with Neil. I always dimension to the outside of the wall and show the walls as: 2x4=3 1/2" and 2x6=5 1/2". I often hear contractors say that they prefer this method also.
#25870 by Dick Eades
Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:37 pm
I strongly believe that the default smart wall width should be 3 1/2"; not 4 1/2".

We actually use 5" as the standard wall because we use 5/8" gwb and 3 5/8" metal studs to that makes the wall 4 7/8" thick or a nominal 5".

I can think of several instances where dimensioning to the stud face would have been better and some worse. In one case I had dimensioned a standard tub enclosure as 4-11 since the tub was 5-0 and I knew the gwb was to overlap the tub and I was dimensioning to finish. The project coordinator had a cow and forced me to change it to 5-0 because the ADA required a 5-0 tub and if a building official saw the 4-11 dimension they were afraid he would toss it. So there, dimensioning to the stud would have been favorable.

On the other hand, we encounter so many instances where we have a 1 hr rated wall down the whole length of a corridor and at one bay where we have used that space for the water heaters the wall becomes 2 hr. rated and the studs have to offset.

Dimensioning to the finish face has become so deeply ingrained in our practice, I'm sure it would upset some people if we changed. Clients, interior designers, and building officials want the finish dimensions.

Even where we have gwb laminated to cmu, I draw the gwb off the wall by 1/2" and dimension to it.
#25897 by Robert Haley
Sat Jul 07, 2007 6:25 pm
I am a custom home builder who has used data cad since version 4 or 5
( it has been so long I can"t remember). My framers go nuts when they get a set of plans that is not to the rough frame wall size. The time it takes to convert to rough frame size, and possible mistakes are to large.
I simply inform clients to subtract 1" for room size, and why.
#25908 by Dick Eades
Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:08 pm
Most of my work is commercial, using metal studs. So, should all my walls be laid out to 3 5/8"?
#25909 by Ben at TJB Architects
Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:16 pm
We, too, always dimension to frame.
If we have critical finish dimensions that need to be addressed we provide a blow-up detail to that affect.
#25913 by Paul Nida
Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:23 pm
Ben at TJB Architects wrote:We, too, always dimension to frame.
If we have critical finish dimensions that need to be addressed we provide a blow-up detail to that affect.

Same here, this is what we have always done as well. But I wouldn't presume to tell anyone how they "should" do it.
#25915 by MtnArch
Mon Jul 09, 2007 12:15 am
Personally, I think the best "teachers" of how to do it are the framers - ask THEM how they'd like it.

For the framers in this area, they want a dimension to face of stud, they DON'T want fractions (unless it's a critical dimension - and make sure that you flag it for them), and they want window and/or door openings measured to the center (they've told me that they'll find out what the RO is from the window/door supplier and measure off of the center line).

Of course, all of the above is subject to what framers in YOUR area are used to doing!
#25918 by Tony Blasio
Mon Jul 09, 2007 7:11 am
I always draw my house plans at rough and dimension to face of studs. 4" exterior walls and 3-1/2" interior. This is my norm.

Recently we started a loft project and it required metal studs and thicker drywall. Since it was new and I was trying to get used to the difference in contruction I drew to finish so my walls were actually 4-7/8". Did this on the first 3 lofts and still haven't heard the end of it. Framers and supervisors complained, and these weren't our usual framers. I then dimensioned the next 2 to the rough (but showed the finish still (IE 4-line wall)) and even dropped a note on the drawings that dimensions were to the rough. Framers then recalled the previous ones and started snapping caulk lines as if my dim's were to finish still. Good thing I showed up that day to correct them and tell them the note was valid.

I am think the next ones will totally exclude the finish and go to rough only again.

Definitely check with your framers. It has been my experience that rough is the safest though.

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