The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#42872 by ORWoody
Mon May 04, 2009 10:14 am
Please let me try it with XBuilder. I really like the instantaneous feedback that one gets using it.
#42962 by ORWoody
Fri May 08, 2009 8:58 pm
I sent it to you directly so that if I'd done something in error or had not complied correctly in what you'd wanted me to actually do, it wouldn't clutter up the forum. That way whatever was being read by other budding developers would be accurate and less confusing. After you saw that what I'd done was correct, then I would have printed it out as a forum message.
I'll now go to the next step since you've already published it.
#42963 by ORWoody
Fri May 08, 2009 9:17 pm
In looking at the corrections, I see that you revised the description a bit which changed the concept somewhat. You removed the word "or" from the "box with square or radius'd corners" statement.
At this point, perhaps it would be best if I elaborate on where I would like to go with this project and the corresponding learning experience.
In creating accent surrounds that define where I have added enlarged plans or details, I have found that I create rectangular boundaries and then fillet the corners and finally add text identifiers. For a much more ambitious and perfect example, see one of the features found in Rod Walker's Detailer macro.
"Box" should have the options for user defined linetype, spacing, color, corner radii, text attributes, and placement.
Initially, I would be pleased to just get where the box and it's attributes are created. Later as I understand the text controls better, that portion of the tool would be nice to add.
I'll now go the next step as you instructed above, but with the question... what happened to the Begin, End identifiers? I thought that you wanted me to add those in every case.
Thank you,
#42970 by ORWoody
Fri May 08, 2009 10:01 pm
Followed your instructions and they appear to have worked just as you stated that they would. This was the application code....

{ ORWoody 090707
This application will create a rectangle with square or radius'd corners using corner points as defined by the user.

Windows XP Home 5.1 2600 SP2
XBuilder 090323-RC}


BEGIN !--Action 10
wrtmsg('Box "i-Prompt"');
wrterr('Box "!-Message"');
wrtlvl('Box'); !dynamic Function Menu title--init.
lblset( 1,'Void'); !F1
lblset(20,'Exit'); !S0
lblson; !activate

getesc(I); !...
!~ Key:=I;

END Box.! 10

The menu choices were F1 Void
S0 Exit
#42993 by ORWoody
Sun May 10, 2009 5:15 pm
Last Friday, I ordered a book on Pascal from Amazon so should have it sometime this week. In the meantime, I am going through the DCAL manual with many of the same characteristics and capabilities of your average parrot. I am able to pronounce the words and definitions, but they have no meaning for me, yet.
As you mentioned in your last note, we'll need to truncate the files to the relevant material for each step. What I'll try to do is to show whatever you ask me to show and to describe what results I get after each step and update. That should make it clear to you as to whether I correctly complied with what you expected of me.
Then, at other times, I can forward the entire file to you so that you can display on the forum, whatever specific areas upon which you want to clarify for me and for others.
One quick question. I know that := means "assigned" but what does just the : stand for and what's it called?
Thank you,
#43005 by ORWoody
Mon May 11, 2009 3:18 pm
The assigned statement is quite clear to me, for example:
x := 1
x := x+1
that would change the value of x by 1 every time the code was executed.

I do not understand the function of nor know the name of the stand alone ":".

Actually, there are lots of things that fall into that non-understanding, but let's start with it.

Thanks much,
#43015 by ORWoody
Tue May 12, 2009 7:20 am
For some reason, the message that I posted yesterday does not show. If it suddenly pops up and it appears that I double posted, please forgive me.

I understand the := assigned symbol (and know what it's called). i.e.

If yes
Then x:=x+1
Else x:=x-1

With each execution of this, a yes response would increase the value of x by 1 while a no response would decrease it by 1. My expectation would be that there would be a minimum value of x that would stop the program.

It is actually the stand alone colon : that I don't know the name of nor the consistent purpose for.

Thank you,
#43016 by ORWoody
Tue May 12, 2009 7:35 am
Perhaps I should have never brought up the colon since it seems to dominate the direction that this has taken us.

As for an I-110509, I haven't seen it.

And, yes I am printing and storing everything.
#43017 by ORWoody
Tue May 12, 2009 7:37 am
I got the instruction name backwards. I should have written I-090511. But, by whatever designation it bears, I haven't seen it.
#43142 by ORWoody
Wed May 20, 2009 8:44 am
The silence is because I am studying through a book on Pascal as you suggested. It has really emphasized what you said about clarifying what one wants to do inside the program as early as one can, if not before even beginning the program. it's really been good for me because it lets me see how the base program should be organized. I'm about a third of the way through it and can certainly understand why you wanted me to dig into Pascal before jumping on to DCAL.
I'm still wanting to continue, but I want to make it worth your time invested, too.

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