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#43377 by boatcad
Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:49 pm
DataWeb – Using DataCAD, AutoCAd and 3D Home Architect together.

I wanted to create a site to help people to understand CAD a little better. I have three of my favorite programs, DataCAd, AutoCAd and of course, and not the least, a program called 3D Home Architect – very extensive little program – I use the version Deluxe 7.0 – a very rare version.
Anyway, for those who understand Autocad and DataCAd, or either of these – I have found many interesting abilities they both have, which makes them both very necessary if you need to make 3D home design drawings.
For now, I would like to discuss something interesting I have found, but I am not so sure how ethical it might be, but, here goes. First, if you have any version of Autocad from Release 12, 13 or 14, and you need to use symbols and blocks from the newer versions – here’s a little trick I have been trying to perfect – because I really like Autocad 14, and I need many blocks to use, so that I can eventually create some nice 3D home plans. First, I download a version of Autocad, such as Autocad Release 2004 – they have a free download and trial version that you can use for thirty days – during this time – I found a Cd with about eight thousand symbols and blocks. I open the ones I like with Autocad 2004, then save the file as an Autocad 12 DXF file in a location I can find with my Autocad 14. – For example: I found a nice file from a later version that has many door elevations – very nice doors to say the least. Then, I save the file as a DXF for Autocad 12, then, open it with Autocad 14.
This usually works pretty well, but sometimes you may need to play with the scale to get the doors to the proper scale. Then, you choose the door you like and copy it to a clean location away from the other doors – sometimes you need to use the Modify menu and explode around the door you like before copying it to a different location – then you can begin to create a very nice door to put in the plan, but you will need to make a block.
Here’s the process after you copy the door to a different place. Choose Modify again and then choose properties – I like to change the thickness to 3.5” inches or 5.5” inches, depending on the wall thickness in my plan – then, add or subrtract what I don’t like or add a door knob or change colors or whatever I need to make the door appropriate – then, of course save to a safe location – then, use the 3D Rotate application, and rotate in the X axis, choose a location beneath the door and rotate to 90 degrees – then, choose to make a block, select the door and give it a name and there you have a new door and an elevation to work with – it works pretty well with most items I have tried, including windows – though you may need to change the elevation after you place it in your plan.
As for DataCAd – you may say it is like cheating the systems – but, here goes. If you know a little about how to use DataCAd, and if you have one of the older or newer versions – this works with DataCAd 5.0, 7.0 and all the way up to DataCAd 11/12 – you can create your entire house plan, then export as a dwg – then open it with a version of Autocad, such as R14 – or later – then save the file as Autocad – and this is how you can get a good 3dRoof and most of the symbols from datacad and even the layers seem to come in pretty well – make the initial plan in DataCAd – export as a dwg, or in the older versions of dataCAd – save as DXF – and it works – much simpler than spending hours calculating roof degrees and measurements. – you can set up all your specific settings, such as pitch, roof plate height, etc… in DataCAd first – even the framing seems to come through – though all the layers don’t always keep the same names – a little tricky, but worth the try.
Now, as for 3D Home Interiors – that application is a handful to say the least, and does have some limitations, but can be very useful – even has its own ability to keep track of all the materials in a spread sheet form, which allows you to change or update prices and specifics, such as measurements and material types – very nice to use before starting a big house plan with DataCAd or Autocad – even does curved walls, and allows you to input specific coordinates and measurements – in fact, you can spend the time and create an entire catalog with images, and materials you choose or upload form photos or other programs. I have been learning this application for over a year and I continue to find new things it can do – and, to say the least – there are ways to import objects, such as cabinets, plumbing, etc from 3D home to DataCAd, and there is a way to create 3Ds objects from autocad and send into 3Dhome – all three of these programs can be well worth the year to learn, and can enhance anyone’s ability and versatility, and saleability….

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