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Do you use T for Template?

#4887 by Dick Eades
Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:51 pm
Let's see the hands of everyone that uses T to call up the Template menu, now that we have the Symbol Browser. I think we could liberate a much needed keyboard interrupt and reassign it to Text. So, if you would like to have T reassigned to Text, just vote No.
#4888 by Steve Baldwin
Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:22 pm
Hi Dick.

I have my "T" now set for "Toolbox". I changed it when making both the "m" and "M" go to move. I used to have the "0" (zero) set for toolbox, but had to change that when the program was upgraded so that hitting a number automatically brought up the distance input box, instead of having to hit the space bar first (which by the way, I still do).

I am, however, now lost as to the status of whether we are using "macros", tools from the "Moolbox", or some other variation of these... :?
#4889 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:50 pm

Here's what I would want:

S/s = Symbol Browser

T/t = Text

M/m = Move

V/v = Goto View

I/i = Identify

A/a = Architect

/? = Window In

I don't use Templates anymore -- and I have never changed the Snap Grid, and never used the s to open Selection Sets; never, ever.

I use the pulldown Toolbox menu -- when I need to, which is not very often. I have always used Alt-shortcuts to get to macros that I use a lot; but I very rarely use any DCX macros, these days.

I only use some of the keyboard interupts (single letter shortcuts): E/e for Erase, C/c for Copy, P/p for Previous view, O/o for the Ortho toggle, L/l for the Layer menu, R/r for Rotate, D/d for Dimension menu, H/h for the Hatch menu, Z/z to set Z-Base/Height, B/b for Tangents, ,/< to erase previous, ...I think that is it!

I never use the Tab key anymore, nor do I use the Q/q, Y/y, U/u, F/f (I use Control-S all the time to Save!), G/g, J/j, K/k, X/x, N/n (though I realize this one is for emergencies!), and I never use the \| key for anything, either!

I'll bet the bottom line solution would be an interface that allowed us to choose the keyboard shortcuts that we each would like to use? :twisted:
#4892 by Nick Pyner
Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:29 pm
How do you vote?
#4897 by Daniel Kaczor
Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:51 pm
Nick Pyner wrote:How do you vote?

Just log-in, the choice will be at the top.

I have my templates and symbol directories sync'ed up. It doesn't matter, but, out of habit I still use T and voted to keep the old way.
#4898 by Tony Blasio
Fri Aug 05, 2005 6:51 am
I voted No. I use the symbol browser 100% of the time. In fact I don't even think there are any Templates in my setup anymore.
#4901 by RPadgett
Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:56 am
I prefer the symbol browser but I still use templates. Often times I have both template *and* symbol browser open, it allows me to use 2 sets of symbols at the same time.

The ability to change the default key selections would be nice.
#4911 by Steve Baldwin
Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:37 am
I would have to agree with almost everything Neil said, except that I do sometimes use the 'Kk' for color, the <Tab> to change the active layer, and the 'S' to go to selection sets. If the 'Ss' would open & close the symbol browser (instead of <Ctrl>T, then I would be very willing to give up the selection set 'S' ... I'd just put that on a toolbar instead.

My template folder is also now empty. I no longer see a need for them ... and don't care to spend the extra time to manage templates.
#4913 by Philip Hart
Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:38 am
The issue of "remapping" keyboard interrupts goes back to very early days of DataCAD. There was a huge furor over Microtecture's changing the M interrupt from Move to Macros (v3.4?). From that point on, Microtecture, Cadkey, and DataCAD LLC have pretty consistently taken the position that changing the interrupts would be too confusing for long-time (non-techno-savvy) users. I have long wished for more customizability of the interrupts but have reluctantly accepted that position.

With the new database, it does seen that it might be possible to allow for user customizable interrupts. I think that it would have to be something a bit more user-friendly than editing an ascii file - perhaps a form listing all of the possible options with boxes that could be filled in by the user with the desired keystroke. This would need to have some error-checking capabilities to assure that there is no duplication of interrupts, etc.

A real problem with doing this, though, is that Keyboard Macros, Toolbars, and Aliases all make use of Keyboard Interrupts. Remapped interrupts would make a mess of those functions.
#4919 by Steve Baldwin
Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:44 am
Sorry for the multiple posts...

When I hit the "Submit" button, I was getting an error that said the connection failed, and it seemed to NOT work, so I tried again (apparently five times).

Something on this forum seems to need fixing!

...If I knew how to delete the extras, I would (hint to Mark/etc.).
Last edited by Steve Baldwin on Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
#4922 by Miguel Palaoro
Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:48 am
Philip Hart wrote:...I think that it would have to be something a bit more user-friendly than editing an ascii file - perhaps a form listing all of the possible options with boxes that could be filled in by the user with the desired keystroke. This would need to have some error-checking capabilities to assure that there is no duplication of interrupts, etc.

A real problem with doing this, though, is that Keyboard Macros, Toolbars, and Aliases all make use of Keyboard Interrupts. Remapped interrupts would make a mess of those functions.

I do agree with Philip. In the suggestion and in the warning.

#4923 by Steve Baldwin
Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:54 am
...At least I see that I'm not the ONLY one having problems with submitting replies :D
#4926 by Steve Baldwin
Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:04 am
Ahhh! ...FIXED!!!
#5034 by ROBERT PENN
Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:50 pm
I have always used templates and symbols. I suppose I now just use it out of habit. I tried to use the symbol browser and just couldn't get used to it. I invested a lot of time when I started with datacad (5) to understand how the templates and symbols work and now know it intimately, I guess it's using what you are comfortable with, so my vote is to keep the T hotkey.



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