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#51893 by Nick Pyner
Thu Jan 20, 2011 6:45 pm
I think there is something suss with your installation. I'm sure there is no option to turn them off - for obvious reasons, and I have just checked (again) and they cannot be hidden behind anything. I therefore submit that you haven't done anything accidentally, and re-installing is quicker than trying to work out what happened.
#51895 by joshhuggins
Thu Jan 20, 2011 7:35 pm
Close Datacad, open your Datacad\Support Files\DcadwinToolbars.gui it a text editor, locate the [TBDataCADMenu] section and copy and paste to make it match whats shown below. Close and save the file. This should force it back to dock on the left side I believe. Restart Datacad. If it still doesn't show up, just delete the whole [TBDataCADMenu] section, or delete the Datacad\Support Files\DcadwinToolbars.gui file and Datacad will replace it with a new one when restarted containing all the defaults for all of the toolbars.
Code: Select all[TBDataCADMenu]
#51901 by Bob Shaw
Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:56 pm
Tried editing the file. Nothing. Deleted the file. Still no menu. Copied the file from another installation of DataCAD 12. Still no menu. So, I uninstalled and reinstalled DataCAD and it shows up now. Strange.
#51902 by joshhuggins
Fri Jan 21, 2011 12:04 am
Wow that is strange. Usually blasting away the gui file will do it worst case. Glad you got it back!
#51903 by Nick Pyner
Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:37 am
Bob Shaw wrote: So, I uninstalled and reinstalled DataCAD and it shows up now. Strange.

Indeed it is. These are the sort of silly things that can happen to anybody, once. And if it happens twice you can never remember what you did to fix it the first time.

Re-installing with a kosher version of DataCad is always the best fix. This is because it not only fixes the actual problem but it is also the most likely fix for whatever caused the problem. The problem is clear but the cause is far from clear. You could hardly have caused this by accident.
#51905 by Bob Shaw
Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:34 am
The missing menu was on a new laptop. I thought I had used it since installation to test, but not sure. THEN (this is a part I didn't mention) I tried to install DataCAD X3 on the laptop too to test it before installing on the desktop machine. I opened X3 and the Edit / Utility menu was not there either. Opened 12 up and that's when I first noticed the missing menu there too.
I uninstalled both 12 and X3 from the laptop and reinstalled 12 and its updates. All menus are there.

Could installing X3 have caused both 12 & X3 to lose that menu?????

After installing 12 on the laptop I copied the entire 12 file from my desktop and replaced the newly installed 12 on the laptop with it. Seems to work fine. And I have Mark Madura's head in the Projection menu.

My next experiment is to try installing X3 on the laptop again. Stay tuned.
#51906 by Nick Pyner
Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:25 am
Bob Shaw wrote:The missing menu was on a new laptop. I thought I had used it since installation to test, but not sure. THEN (this is a part I didn't mention) I tried to install DataCAD X3 on the laptop too to test it before installing on the desktop machine. I opened X3 and the Edit / Utility menu was not there either. Opened 12 up and that's when I first noticed the missing menu there too.
I uninstalled both 12 and X3 from the laptop and reinstalled 12 and its updates. All menus are there.

Could installing X3 have caused both 12 & X3 to lose that menu?????

There are some iffy things going on with X3 installation but I believe it only becomes manifest upon uninstallation.. While it turns out that some of my paranoia on the this matter was unjustified, the fact remains that my V11 had been working perfectly on my laptop for a long time - until X3 came along.

And I have Mark Madura's head in the Projection menu.

I submit that is the last thing you want on a laptop. The classic menu settings take less space. Leave the silly pictures to the refugees from Macintosh, they are more culturally attuned to that sort of thing.

My next experiment is to try installing X3 on the laptop again. Stay tuned.

I know you have said you have uninstalled X3, but read here first. viewtopic.php?f=45&t=11405
#51910 by Bob Shaw
Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:36 am
Installed X3 again. Everything went fine until the hardlock question. Clicked to replace current file. BLUE SCREEN!!!!
Rebooted, went thru install again, did not replace hardlock file when prompted. Tried opening the DataCADs but got hardlock errors. Rebooted. Plugged in the hardlocks, they installed. Everything seems to work now.
FYI, the laptop is Windows 7 Home Edition.
#68186 by Bob Shaw
Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:01 am
Dang, It happened again installing version 18. What ever it is it effected all my versions on my laptop and that's back to version 14!
I guess I will just uninstall all my versions and install just 18. (sigh)
#68188 by Bob Shaw
Sat Feb 06, 2016 9:35 am
Found the offending problem.
I uninstalled version 14, then uninstalled 15 when at the end of the uninstall it told me it could not find C:Windows\sysWOW64\AECExtension.dll to delete. Hmmmmm.
Copied the file from my decktop machine. Installed it on my laptop and now the remaining DataCADs displays all those menus.
Well, I don't use 14 & 15 anyway.

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