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#53395 by GARY247
Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:04 am
Not sure what the advantage is of using an attribute but required to use it because of cad standards. Is there a way to create a quick key for editing attributes rather than the multiple mouse clicks required by the software?
#53396 by Roger D
Tue Jun 07, 2011 9:14 am
A couple ways.
Some, based on I think Josh Huggins thinking have modified our alt-key to edit text to first attempt a edit attribute.
\\ H- Change Text
this works good for 1 at a time.
Or you can use a Command Alias (or make it a Alt-Key also)

comment=Change Symbol Attribute
This one, you can keep picking symbols without having to do the alt-key again.
#53408 by GARY247
Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:10 pm
Not sure on the method here. I am assuming you are using notepad to change the MCR file. Is H^170#^$^8#^S8^S2^F1^$^
\\ H- Change Text
all one line to cut an paste in the the "H" line to create the key stroke (alt +H) or is this two different methods of creating a quick key.
Is alias=^170#^$^
another method to the create another quick key? With either of these methods to create the quick keys I understand what they should read as but not sure how to incorporate them into the MCR file. Can I create it with the "C" key instead of the "H" key?
Last edited by GARY247 on Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#53409 by Roger D
Wed Jun 08, 2011 3:55 pm
any line that starts with \\ is ignored as comments, so the \\ H- Change Text is an extra line that is not required.

The Alias goes in the DcadWin.dca file, and is invoked by hitting the Ctrl-spacebar and the letter(s) codes assigned to the alias, I had used [sa].
#53414 by Roger D
Thu Jun 09, 2011 8:59 am
Is alias=^170#^$^ another method to the create another quick key? With either of these methods to create the quick keys I understand what they should read as but not sure how to incorporate them into the MCR file. Can I create it with the "C" key instead of the "H" key?
You can use any key, you will just be replacing the new command and losing the existing one.
You use a simple text editor like notepad to edit the file dcadwin.mcr, and should be able to copy & paste the line directly into the file.

All three lines need to be added into the DcadWin.dca file to make it an alias.
Code: Select all[sa]
comment=Change Symbol Attribute
If you want to use it as a keyboard macro, you would just use that portion
Code: Select allH^170#^$^
The $^ at the end, makes the macro select whatever the mouse is close to, it acts as hitting the enter key, or mouse pick.

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