What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#53181 by Michael Olney
Fri May 06, 2011 2:05 pm
Since Evan Shu released his May edition of Cheap Tricks, I've noticed that there's been much discussion in the DBUG group concerning his editor's notes regarding the upcoming version X4. It seems that, for the most part, the biggest concerns are over the Sun Shader as well as the apparent lack of information regarding new "smart" entities. I'll give my personal thoughts concerning the matter as well as some items that I would like to see addressed for the new version. I've been regularly using the smart walls, doors, and windows since before version 12 was released, so I'm well aware of their advantages as well as their current limitations. I've used them on log cabins, conventional lumber, cmu buildings, and other projects.

First of all, I'd like to address the Sun Shader. I have been wondering about the future of the O2C and DataCAD since about the time that version 12 was released. DataCAD has been recommending us to NOT upgrade to the latest version of the O2C for quite some time now. In my thinking, regardless of whether or not the O2C players would be discontinued, it has seemed obvious to me that DataCAD would be needing to go another direction, whether using another type of player or by developing their own. With the Sun Shader, it seems that their decision is to develop their own. Really, is this possibly the reason why, or maybe one reason why, the smart objects have been seemingly put on hold? I personally don't know enough to say for sure, but it does seem like a realistic possibility to me. After all, what point is there to develop more smart and other 3D objects if there isn't a good way to actually view or present them? I would say that if the Sun Shader works out as specified and is the fastest or one of the fastest rendering programs of its type, then this is a major step in the direction of further development of the 3D side of DataCAD.

Now for a wish concerning the Sun Shader. If it is indeed a fast rendering program, then I would love for it to be able to be permanently open and automatically updated with the floor plan. Even better would be to be able to change and move windows, doors, walls, and other items in the Sun Shader. This is definitely something that DataCAD could never be able to offer without developing their own rendering program. This is one thing that has always enticed me a little with Revit, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, and others. Something like this could significantly increase the usefulness and speed of using the smart entities and make the 2D and 3D more seamless.

Now concerning the smart entities. I must admit that I've been a little disappointed on the lack of improvements in smart walls, doors, and windows in X3. However, it would be unfair to suggest that they haven't done anything in regards to smart objects. There were a couple of minor improvements to the walls, doors, and windows. The improvements to the symbols is a pretty significant addition to smart entities. As I stated above, the start of the development of the Sun Shader could be viewed as an improvement in this area as well. Polyline improvements should also be grouped together with this. Could it be that smart walls could essentially become vertical polylines? While this is just speculation, perhaps the polyline improvements is a step for improving the smart walls and/or maybe smart roofs, floors, and other items.

Since I've stated my wishlist for smart walls, doors, and windows before, I won't go into great detail, however, I would like to see the cleaning of smart walls improved as well as having doors and windows insert into curved walls correctly. Curved headers for doors and windows as well as sidelites would be good. Custom trims as well as the ability to add things like shutters. Automated wall fills. Wainscote smart walls in a single wall.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone at DataCAD for all of the work that they've done. For all of the "free" improvements that they give us with each version. I'm sure that it must be difficult deciding which projects to work on with a limited budget. They surely feel the effects of the current architectural/construction economic state that the rest of us are. They also seem to have a better understanding than most of us have concerning the direction that CAD, in general, is taking and the trends with BIM and other related things. As long as they have a sufficiently large group supporting them, I'm sure that they'll keep progressing in the direction that will enable us to be competitive in the changing industry.
#53182 by Nick Pyner
Fri May 06, 2011 7:24 pm
Michael Olney wrote:.......... the biggest concerns are over the Sun Shader............
First of all, I'd like to address the Sun Shader. I have been wondering about the future of the O2C and DataCAD since about the time that version 12 was released. DataCAD has been recommending us to NOT upgrade to the latest version of the O2C for quite some time now. In my thinking, regardless of whether or not the O2C players would be discontinued, it has seemed obvious to me that DataCAD would be needing to go another direction, whether using another type of player or by developing their own. With the Sun Shader, it seems that their decision is to develop their own. Really, is this possibly the reason why, or maybe one reason why, the smart objects have been seemingly put on hold? ..........it does seem like a realistic possibility to me. After all, what point is there to develop more smart and other 3D objects if there isn't a good way to actually view or present them? I would say that if the Sun Shader works out as specified and is the fastest or one of the fastest rendering programs of its type, then this is a major step in the direction of further development of the 3D side of DataCAD.

It seems that the only concern about Sunshader is that it may be being developed at the expense of the smart stuff, and there was a bit of speculation that this may be down to demand from Australia. I'm sure the latter is not the case but the former could be, and you may have put your finger on the reason why.

I tried to read between the lines of a comment by Madura on the DBUG forum. I had forgotten about DataCad recommending we don't upgrade O2C, and that gives further substance to problems coming over the hill. I have no idea what those problems might be, and they could be legal or economic, as much as technical.

A viewer is more important than the smarts, and that goes double if it was permanently open and smart in itself in the manner you describe. This to the point where, if the smart viewer would only be smart if it was handling the smarts in DataCad, I guess I would actually start using them.
#53183 by joshhuggins
Sat May 07, 2011 11:59 am
Nick Pyner wrote:I tried to read between the lines of a comment by Madura on the DBUG forum. I had forgotten about DataCad recommending we don't upgrade O2C, and that gives further substance to problems coming over the hill. I have no idea what those problems might be, and they could be legal or economic, as much as technical.
I think it was only due to the fact that newer versions of the o2c plugin removed the rayshader capabilities.
#53188 by Michael Olney
Mon May 09, 2011 12:21 pm
The removal of the raytrace ability is the reason that I've always heard as well. That version is how many years old? It doesn't make very good business sense to me to continue recommending the use of an outdated product with no certainty that a newer version will ever be released as a suitable replacement. I think that this is similar to the old Virtual Reality program. In order for DataCAD to be able to progress in the direction that they want to, it seems that they needed to take control of the rendering/presentation program so that it would fit in with what they're trying to do.
#53384 by Michael Olney
Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:22 pm
I was very pleased to read the following in Evan Shu's Cheap Tricks for June:
Evan Shu wrote:they have now added new support in X4 for 1) adjustable smart wall
cleanup for L, T, and X intersections; 2) smart wall fills and
materials on an individual cavity basis (think composite walls) for
tops, ends, and openings, and 3) (drum roll, but don't get your hopes
up quite yet), they have begun to work on smart roofs.

I'm looking forward to seeing these improvements. The wall clean-up alone could be a huge improvement. We'll have to wait and see about the smart roofs. I know that they've been wanting to get that out for a while now. I would like to thank everyone at DataCAD for all that they've done for us and for finding a way to continue their forward progression in spite of the recession and the current condition of new construction.
#53428 by joshhuggins
Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:35 pm
I would vote to add a drop down in the status panel with the scales that could always show the current scale and we could use to change the plot scale on the fly.
#53439 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:01 pm
I would like to be able to edit an X-Clip with the Polyline editing tool -- or be able to edit it *like* the polyline editor. I.E. be able to move/delete vertices of the X-Clip instead of having to redo the whole thing.
#53440 by Roger D
Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:48 pm
I know that for some reason, I will need to change my xclip boundary, so I always draw a polyline 1st, then select that as my xclip boundary. I also draw the polyline in a non-print color set to pen=0. This way even if the xclip is off for some reason, I still know where it exists.
#53450 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:55 pm
Thanks for the workaround Roger.

Here's a minor/general Wish, that certainly won't be a major addition to X4: when I Fillet lines/arcs, it would be great to have the fillet arc become part of a group with the two other lines.
#53456 by MtnArch
Tue Jun 14, 2011 4:28 pm
I'll second both of Neil's wishes! Both would be great additions!!
#53482 by Bruce111
Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:33 am
Fix scrolling while inserting a symbol, please
#53486 by joshhuggins
Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:44 am
Bruce111 wrote:Fix scrolling while inserting a symbol, please
Are you talking about when your trying to place a large piece of data (symbol or a large group of entities from a clipboard paste) and you try to scroll or pan using the arrow keys or scroll wheel, but nothing happens until you keep the mouse still, and then tap another arrow key or scroll again and then it jumps the panning distance / scrolls in and out the distance you've just tried to do?
#53504 by Bruce111
Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:18 am
joshhuggins wrote:
Bruce111 wrote:Fix scrolling while inserting a symbol, please
Are you talking about when your trying to place a large piece of data (symbol or a large group of entities from a clipboard paste) and you try to scroll or pan using the arrow keys or scroll wheel, but nothing happens until you keep the mouse still, and then tap another arrow key or scroll again and then it jumps the panning distance / scrolls in and out the distance you've just tried to do?

Hello Josh,
That sounds to be exactly! Thank you for filling in the blanks :)
#53522 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Jun 21, 2011 3:07 pm

Like we have for 3D Clip Cubes, to be able to toggle them on/off with GTV's, it would be great to have GTV also save the state of X-Clips. This is an extension of the new *layer control* within XRef's by GTV's -- you know when you give use one new tool, we want more?! ;)

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