Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#55587 by RParker
Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:49 am
Is there any way to insert a jpg (or bmp) to be able to view in O2C? Want to put client's (very complicated) logo/sign on a building.
#55593 by Nick Pyner
Wed Oct 12, 2011 7:12 pm
If you can do it as a signboard, it shouldn't be too difficult in o2c. A picture of the logo is treated the same as any bother texture - bricks, tiles etc. You just have a dedicated entity and stick it on. The picture below was not done in o2c but the procedure is the same. The logo was lifted from a web page. You can see it again on the sign in front of the yellow truck.

I don't think o2c does alpha channels so, if the logo is a complicated cutout, you are probably better of looking elsewhere. Unless this has been improved and I don't know about it, the other problem with o2c is the lack of repeatibility in the views. This means getting a view of the logo and a view of the model and putting them together in a graphics programme is very difficult even though you can solve the alpha channelling then. If you can't match the perspective properly, you are better off omitting the logo.
dubbo.JPG (106.56 KiB) Viewed 54118 times
#55595 by RParker
Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:33 am
Thanks, was able to make it work.
Another question for next time: must textures be a square or is there a way to use a rectangular graphic?
#55597 by Nick Pyner
Thu Oct 13, 2011 9:17 am
I don't think they are required to be square and I'm sure I have made may own that were rectangular. I don't know why the commercial ones are typically square but, if it was technically required, I guess it would imply that they can only be used on square surfaces.
#55622 by Nick Pyner
Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:04 pm

I wrote

Nick Pyner wrote:Unless this has been improved and I don't know about it, the other problem with o2c is the lack of repeatibility in the views.

Something was nagging at me when I wrote that, and I now realise that V14's o2c can store and recall views. This could be useful.....
#55623 by RParker
Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:49 am
Maybe it is because I'm still running on v12. When I import a jpg as a texture, it must be a square or the aspect gets boggled.
#55626 by Nick Pyner
Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:46 pm
I don't have the experience to comment and I wasn't aware of this. If that is your experience with V12, it could apply to V14 as well. I have my glass semi-transparent but I don't actually do any other rendering with o2c.

So, if you have this limitation with texture shape, did you just get lucky solving your original problem?
#55629 by Miguel Palaoro
Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:47 am
RParker wrote:Maybe it is because I'm still running on v12. When I import a jpg as a texture, it must be a square or the aspect gets boggled.

Hi Robert,

The o2c engine requires a square bitmap as a base texture. If you use as reference a rectangular bitmap, it will redimension it to bring as a square.
The trick is simply to "make-a-square" from a rectangular, using the bigger side as the square side, and filling up the smaller side of the rectangle with a plain black color, which is configured as 'transparent" on o2c settings, and locating the accurate "texture origin" for the correct bitmap placement.

#55632 by RParker
Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:51 am
Thank you for that trick. I broke the rectangle into smaller squares and visually "stitched" them together. This will make it alot easier.

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