Found a hidden feature or want to share a time-saving shortcut? Let us all know...
#56816 by ORWoody
Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:46 pm
Maybe it is just me, but I sometimes forget how many really good useful tools there are in Cheap Tricks Ware. Today as I was scouting around, I saw a couple by Patrick McConnell and one by John Fornaro that looked quite interesting. I ordered them and just a short time later, had all of them loaded and ready to go. As I was testing them, one of my co-workers saw what I was doing and realized that she had been trying to do line by line yesterday, what one of those macros did with just a few clicks. I couldn't tell if she was happy to see that there was a macro for that task or frustrated at having spent so much time on it.
I have several other macros by each of these guys, and all are major productivity boosters. I don't mean to down-grade any of the other CTW macros by calling out a big thank you Patrick and John, but just to note that there are some real jewels in there. If you haven't gone through the CTW list and carefully looked at the offerings, you may be using cheap gas in your DataCAD Ferrari.
Loving DataCAD more and more every day,
Oran R. Woody
DataCAD user since 1987

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