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#59302 by jimgoodman
Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:14 pm
There is a special offer available from Malwarebytes. I know this product has been recommended on several occasions in the past. Is it worth $17.95 for the Pro version?
#59304 by David A. Giesselman
Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:46 pm

I've used the free version for years and it's saved my bacon on more than 1 occasion. What does the Pro version bring that's not in the free version?

#59306 by joshhuggins
Wed Feb 06, 2013 9:25 pm
Free version user here too. I usually only use it when something slips past someone's existing antivirus and MWB can usually remove it enough to let me get the data needed out of the box before blowing it away. Pro is for realtime scanning. I'd say it's a second tier security option and probably worth the dough for some more free willed users. If your a cautious user running a reputable antivirus/malware realtime app and have proper backups and system imaging, I'd say it's not worth it. For mission critical it's a great option as they seem to really stay on top of things and it's who the pros all seem to use.
#59308 by jimgoodman
Wed Feb 06, 2013 10:37 pm
Thanks for the input. The real time prevention feature is probably worth the price of admission. It cost me several hundred dollars to fix the last malware attack that infected one of my "free willed users."

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