Forum dedicated to drawing translation issues.
#65644 by MtnArch
Thu Jan 08, 2015 12:18 pm
When I translate a Dcad file to Acad it translates the different fonts I used into Acad styles with the name DCADSTYLEX (where the "X" is a consecutive number starting with "1"). I'm seeing some confusion when I open the resulting DWG file in BricsCAD (and I'm assuming Acad) where the font names in the translated symbols are correct if I explode the symbol, but they are incorrect if I leave them unexploded.

Is there any way to have the translator make the translated font name be the name of the font only (ie. if I use ARCITEXT.SHX it will translate the style name as "Arcitext")? This way the fonts should be correct in both the symbols as well as the drawing when I open it in BricsCAD.

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