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#68086 by Jim Allen
Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:29 pm
I have made toolbar buttons for a couple of smart arrows. But I want them to be filled and I haven't figured out how to use the extended code. Could someone enlighten me? Am I supposed to put the ö in there somehow with the 0246? I tried it behind the

Here is the line I have for a dot arrow: A02=^1054#^173#^F9^F5^S0^F0^F4^S0^S3^F3^ I can't remember what the 173# does there. But it doesn't work without it.

#68087 by joshhuggins
Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:49 pm
Try this code.
Code: Select all^1054#^ö^173#^F9^F5^S0^F0^F4^S0^S3^F3^

The ö is the discrete code/symbol you want to use to toggle on the filled arrow heads. You can copy it from the Extended Character Code Page or manually type it in Alt+0264 (hold down the ALT key and type 0264 and release ALT). I usually try to put discreet codes in first in my toolbar codes as shown above that way I know won't possibly be changing some F# position that I might be expecting later in my code. I am not sure what 173# does either but it seems to get you to the arrow menu. I would probably use the code below which gets you to the arrow menu via the main Edit menu. just in case 173# might have some old legacy tied to it. Maybe that's why it's description is missing on the Extended code page? Durp, see Roger found it below ;)
Code: Select all^1054#^ö^;^S6^S2^F9^F5^S0^F0^F4^S0^S3^F3^
Last edited by joshhuggins on Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
#68088 by Roger D
Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:53 pm
Function # ... mbers.html
173 2D Edit, Text, Arrows

You'll enter the 0246 with Hold down Alt and 0246 on the numkeys ö to get the code.

I tried this as a command alias, seems to work.

Last edited by Roger D on Fri Jan 22, 2016 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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