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#68650 by DBrennfoerder
Tue Apr 26, 2016 11:44 am
OK, I need an open-grid ceiling to identify a more personal space inside of a bigger space. It needs to be open grid so I don't need to drop in a lot of lower level sprinkler heads. The ceiling is at 27' and the open grid needs to identify a more intimate coffee shop area. Two sides, 27' and 43' long will be adjacent to tall walls; the other two sides, 24' and 35' long can be supported by a column where they join. I'm thinking the open grid will be at 10' or so and don't want a gazillion wires supporting a typical t-grid from the 27' level.

Ideas? I'm thinking a light weight, structured "ceiling", maybe even with an additional column or two, with major members as much as 18" - 24" deep and lighter members more the size of regular T-grid.
#68656 by joshhuggins
Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:38 pm
Center cols, with wires running out from the top like an exposed big top circus tent! Coffee drinking hipsters love that kind of thing these days ;)

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