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#69893 by joshhuggins
Wed Oct 05, 2016 6:11 pm
Anyone seen the new 2016 MF-1R forms in the wild yet? I can't seem to find one. Is it still around or maybe being replaced with something else or is CF-1R the end all now?
#69901 by joshhuggins
Thu Oct 06, 2016 3:21 pm
Thanks Jim. I finally got thru to the the Energy Commission yesterday and they verified that the MF1R form/checklist has been retired, and actually was dead during the 2013 cycle. Just have to meet the mandatory measures of the green and energy code in the design as standard construction i.e., it's just the code. No need to have the form on plans, which according to them was never the intention. CF/NR forms are the end game. I think I forgot we had it around to appease the local jurisdictions during the last code cycle update.

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