What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#72100 by Mark Bell
Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:32 am
I'm trying to model various complex shaped slabs with localised falls and setdowns. The aim is to continue to use the 3D model as part of the 2D documentation in the same way smart walls work. Rather than use inclined polygons and calculate the angles of each slab fall, a quicker method would be to create the overall slab (3Dslab or covered polyline maybe exploded to polygons), then -

a) in plan view, be able to identify the top surface of the 3D slab, (this could be achieved by working from the current z-h = top of slab created),

b) add a 3D snap point = add vertex to the top surface,

c) allow 3D stretch in the z-axis (up or down / push or pull) a distance input, ie -50 to stretch the surfaces down 50mm in plan view instead of having to go into various elevation views with clipcubes enabled to find the actual point you need....takes too long . Being able to add a number of snap points across a plane then push/pull each up or down whilst remaining in a plan view would be the best outcome,

d) slab setdowns are easier as punching a void then infilling with another slab or covered polyline at a lesser depth works, however, being able to add one entity to another to create a master slab would be better still. Using the Boolean add/subtract creates 3D entities with too many visible triangulated sides. The best entity to work with is the covered polyline but it is limited in the way it can be edited in elevation and once inclined off horizontal.

e) the best outcome would be to add a parametric slab builder into the smart entities :-)
#72103 by dhs
Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:36 pm
G'day Mark,
I'm not certain if I have understood every nuance of your request, but would the following be helpful:
- allowing my polyfix macro to work on slabs as well as polygons.
- could you use a TIN surface to easily create the top surface of the slab as polygons based on 3d markers at the appropriabe Z heights. I'm not sure if DataCAD has the ability to convert polygons to slabs (???), but if it did you could convert your TIN polygons to slabs: would this be useful ?
David H
#72107 by Mark Bell
Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:45 am
Hello David, Paul,

Thanks for the comments. The stretch in the 3D menu requires the view to be in an elevation view whereas the wishlist is to add a 3D stretch (z-axis) whilst remaining in a 2D view - similar to the F3 Move Z in the 2D Move menu, adding a F3 Stretch Z in the 2D Stretch menu would be ideal.

DHS wrote:
- allowing my polyfix macro to work on slabs as well as polygons. yes - being able to use more 3D entities the better,

- could you use a TIN surface to easily create the top surface of the slab as polygons based on 3d markers at the appropriate Z heights. I'm not sure if DataCAD has the ability to convert polygons to slabs (???), but if it did you could convert your TIN polygons to slabs: would this be useful ?
yes, being able to 'glue' polygons to a singular object would be great. Grouping a slab exploded to polygons is okay but invariably things get left behind during a lot of editing,

I guess breaking down the wishlist it could be summed into two options:

1. Adding a Stretch Z to the 2D Stretch menu so it works similar to the Move Z. This would allow corners or ends of slabs or polygons to be stretched up/down whilst in plan view. Adapting this to a building slab would see the top surface drawn using polygons in the same plane, then using Stretch Z to stretch down (or up) to create the desired slab falls. This eliminates the need to calculate any angles as the fall would be a fixed value (-50 say) from the top surface. Another possible use would be to create 3D roofs out of a block as it could be divided in plan with each apex stretched +Z and the eaves stretched -Z. The main benefit is the quickness in creating and editing these entities whilst still in plan view, without having to define a specific elevation view then put it inside a clipcube to see what's going on.

2. An improved version of the above would allow a single horizontal polygon to be created then using a 3D marker(s) to locate the 'break points' followed by a Stretch Z to push down/pull up the ends of the polygons at each marker to create the slab falls.

The perfect scenario would be for a "multi-use" slab that has the characteristics of a covered polyline, (allows vertices to be added/deleted, curves added, fills and hatching and knockout etc.) as well as being able to be edited in any view including where the 'slab' has been rotated in 3D space (off horizontal).
Design and construction drawings continue to develop as the engineer makes changes to their structural dwgs, then the builder has there 2c input so the architectural's are continually changing. The software needs to keep up with these changes and that's where a covered polyline has been so useful to date except when inclined falls are needed. Editing a polygon doesn't always give the same 'clean' result in plan view and often adds vertices to the wrong edge making editing unproductive.
#72113 by joshhuggins
Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:49 pm
Mark Bell wrote:The perfect scenario would be for a "multi-use" slab that has the characteristics of a covered polyline, (allows vertices to be added/deleted, curves added, fills and hatching and knockout etc.) as well as being able to be edited in any view including where the 'slab' has been rotated in 3D space (off horizontal).
#72114 by Mark Bell
Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:11 am
Thanks Paul - I missed that one. I guess this wishlist isn't too difficult to implement given the 3D Stretch menu button is already in place and just needs adding to the 2D menu.
....as for the 'multi-use' slab, "yup" says it all....

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