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#72261 by dhs
Fri Sep 08, 2017 4:46 am
I have just added the following to the DCAL Resources page on my web site:

Updated DCAL Manual at
This is very much a work in progress, but it basically consists of the standard manual supplied with DataCAD to which I have added some of my own notes. The notes take a variety of forms, but include such things as notes about the D4D equivalents of some of the items (only a handful at this stage, as I have stopped using D4D for the time being and was only adding things to this document as I came across them), and I have also added in some of the new BUILTIN procs added in recent DataCAD versions.
I had intended to get this a bit more complete before I made it generally available, but as I haven't updated it in a while I thought it may never get to my desired level of completeness, so have decided it is probably of some use as is, and if I make it available others may be inspired to supply me with additional notes that can be added to it!

Instructions on using the Delphi Debugger to debug D4D code at This assumes a basic knowledge of the Delphi Debugger, but I thought it worth adding as I know that not everyone who has dabbled with D4D knows how to use the debugger (and the debugger has to be one of the big advantages of the Delphi flavour of Delphi over its Classic counterpart).

David H
#72908 by dhs
Tue Dec 19, 2017 12:30 pm
Thanks Joseph,
On Reading your post (and my original post) I realised that I had pasted in the wrong link for the debugger instructions. The correct link is ... hopefully anybody looking for it managed to find the link on my Classic vs Delphi comparison page!
I have continued to make the occassional update to the DCAL manual (last updated 9 Nov), but it is only in pretty small increments when I notice something as I am using it. If anybody has any notes about any of the DCAL procedures that they think could be useful to others then I would be happy to consider incorporating them.
David H.

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