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#73771 by dhs
Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:15 am
Does anybody know if there is a way in DCAL (classic) to set the reference point that controls Ortho Mode?
I expected that setrefpnt would do it, but it doesn't (also tried setrubpnt but also no luck there ....).
I guess it's probably not possible to change it, but just in case anybody has a way to do it I would be grateful for advice.... Even if there is a way to do it in D4D I would be grateful to hear as I will likely end up porting my current project to Delphi at some stage in the future.
David H
#73772 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Apr 27, 2018 7:08 am
dhs wrote:Hi,
Does anybody know if there is a way in DCAL (classic) to set the reference point that controls Ortho Mode?

By the point that "controls Ortho Mode", are you referring to the point that anchors the rubber-band line?

#73774 by dhs
Fri Apr 27, 2018 1:54 pm
No, I'm referring to orthographic snapping: I mean the point that is the 'center' of the angle snapping (according to the number of snap angle divisions).

e.g. my macro allows users to pick a vertex, and has logic that selects the vertex if they click within the miss distance aperture of it. the ortho snap 'centre' becomes the point they actually clicked, but I would like to be able to set it to the actual vertex.

David H.
#73800 by David A. Giesselman
Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:59 pm

Calling setrubpnt will do this, but will have no effect if rubln is already true and you are currently "rubber-banding" from a previously selected point. Perhaps posting a code-snippet might help me provide a bit more guidance.

#73810 by dhs
Thu May 03, 2018 3:38 am
Thanks David.
I tried setrubpnt previously and could have sworn that it did not work. But I have added it back in, and it is indeed working correctly (so either I didn't test it very well last time, or else I have done something slightly different this time around).
Sorry to have troubled you!
#73815 by David A. Giesselman
Thu May 03, 2018 7:27 pm
dhs wrote:Thanks David.
I tried setrubpnt previously and could have sworn that it did not work. But I have added it back in, and it is indeed working correctly (so either I didn't test it very well last time, or else I have done something slightly different this time around).
Sorry to have troubled you!

No worries David! Glad it worked out.


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