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#74313 by David A. Giesselman
Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:41 pm
datahogg wrote:What is the DataCad equivalent of the Autocad command EXPLODE.

Mr. Hogg, (cool username BTW)

That might depend upon the type of entity. DataCAD does not have a generic Explode command equivalent to Autocad, as that might give you unexpected results. What type of Entity(s) are you wanting to Explode? DataCAD offers several methods to break-down compound entities, most of which are entity-type dependent.

#74314 by datahogg
Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:51 am
Thanks for your response.
Suppose I have a simple inserted block representing a light fixture. How would I explode the existing block within an existing drawing?
#74315 by MtnArch
Wed Jul 11, 2018 8:08 am
While you're in the drawing, right click on the block (symbol), and pick Explode. You can also decide if the symbol is to be exploded and placed on the layers that it had when originally created (like "0" for Acad blocks) or the layer you're currently on.
#74316 by datahogg
Wed Jul 11, 2018 10:09 am
Thanks for your response.
When I am using the SYMBOL pallet and decide to edit one of the symbols, choose the "Edit Symbol" , and then edit the symbol,
how do I save the edited symbol and go back to the regular drawing screen without going through 2 pop up menus?
#74506 by Steve Elton
Fri Aug 03, 2018 3:34 pm
After making my edits to the symbol I just hit the X at the upper right to close the symbol and then say yes when it wants to know if I want to save it.
Seems that only saves the symbol edits in the current drawing. If I want to then save the edits to the original file so it applies to all new drawings I hover over the symbol in the symbol browser, right click and pick save as then just use it's default name to over-right the original.

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