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#45020 by msharch
Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:45 am
How do you add hatch patterns into dcad? I have some older hatch patterns from cheap tricks. How do you load them, to what folder and what is the extension. I recall a PAT file and I see there is a Hatch folder with .DHP extension in a different format that the PAT file. What files/ folder is dcad using and how do I place them and or convert the format/extension easily. Thanks! I was looking in the Programs folder/Datacad. Still using Dcad 11 even though I have one key of 12.
#45021 by Roger D
Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:48 am
If I recall correctly, if you copy the .pat file into the Datacad's Support Files\Hatch Patterns Directory. Then in DataCad, goto Hatch/Manage at the bottom of the dialog box select Convert and enter the .pat file name.
#45039 by Neil Blanchard
Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:32 am
Hi Marc,

The Convert function that Roger mentions is the way to go -- it will import all of the patterns that you may have in a particular .PAT file and make a .DHP file for each one.

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