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#75387 by Bob Urbanek
Fri Dec 14, 2018 1:27 am
Loaded an old drawing. Had a lot of problems with it. Long story short, erased the offending walls, and drew new ones. Problem is, when I draw the new walls, the previous door and window openings re-appear.
I know I have run into this before (long time ago). Can't remember how to fix it. It is just an attached garage, so it would be little work to redraw, but I can't get rid of the openings. Tried for a couple of hours. I give up.
Any ideas?
#75388 by Roger D
Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:51 am
If 3d doesn't matter, change your z-base some.
you might try to close the file and run the repair command on the file.
#75396 by Bob Urbanek
Fri Dec 14, 2018 11:11 am
Thanks for the reply, Roger. The 3D is where the problem is. Tried the repair command, but it didn't work. Can't understand why after deleting walls, doors and windows, the openings re-appear when I draw new walls. When I delete them in ISO view, they appear to be gone, but when I draw new walls in ortho, the door cutouts re-appear. Can't weld the walls either. Looks like I will have to trash the whole drawing, and re-draw the whole thing. Sometimes, it's just easier to admit defeat.
#75397 by Roger D
Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:21 pm
I'd try the repair feature.
Close datacad and then open again.
If not solved, I'd try a File/Purge to a new drawing.
Close datacad and then open new drawing.
If not solved, I'd try to open a new empty drawing, and try to File/Import.
I'm sure you have turned on all layers just to make sure an opening is not lurking on another layer.
Tech Support might want to see the drawing to trouble shoot the issue.
Might reboot between the steps above.
#75422 by Mark Bell
Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:26 pm
Hi Bob,
Assuming you're using smart entities? If so, have you checked your layers so see if there is another copy of the walls with doors and openings that is turned off? I've found when there are copies of a smart entity on another (off) layer then 'ghost' doors/openings will appear in a new wall located in the old location of the deleted wall. You could also try moving the whole drawing say 1m and then press 'U' to update the display list and see if the openings still show.
Another method is to do a LayerSet and import the 'clean' layers into a fresh drawing.

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