What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#76421 by Neil Blanchard
Wed May 22, 2019 2:39 pm
David A. Giesselman wrote:
Mark Bell wrote:There's times when a mirror line is needed between two points on a drawing. Bisect isn't always able to work due to the types of entities selected. Being able to pick Mirror/F3 Midpoint would allow a user to snap to any two points then DataCAD can set the crosshair at 90' to the alignment.

Hi Mark,

Could you accomplish this by object-snapping to the two points in the drawing to define the Mirror line, and then select Add 90 Ctr to rotate the Mirror line about its midpoint by 90 degrees?


I have done this a fair bit. The refinement I have sometimes used is to hold Shift and Get X / Y for the second point, to be sure it is an orthographic line. Occasionally, the selected points are not exactly lined up, and the mirror line is slightly skewed.
#76423 by Mark Bell
Wed May 22, 2019 8:53 pm
Dave wrote "
Could you accomplish this by object-snapping to the two points in the drawing to define the Mirror line, and then select Add 90 Ctr to rotate the Mirror line about its midpoint by 90 degrees?"

Well there you go~! Yes, it works, though doing this wasn't obvious until I read the text flyout message. Thanks.
#76442 by Neil Blanchard
Thu May 30, 2019 10:39 am
I often use Layer Sets to copy a group of layers (to get all the colors, etc) and I load them into a temporary drawing, and then edit the layer names (to change the prefix), and then I remake the layer set. Then I load that new layer set into the original drawing.

If we could just Copy and Paste a group of layers, right in the Layer Manager, and edit their names with a search and replace function, or just edit them manually one by one - that would be one of the best things since GTVs!
#76515 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:15 pm
I wish that Alt-I set the Ignore Clip Cube setting, based on the entity you select. In other words, if I Alt-I on ParaText or a Smart Arrow that is set to Ignore Clip Cubes, I would like it to be set the same for the next text / arrow I create.
#76731 by Mark Bell
Wed Jul 17, 2019 5:27 pm
Neil wrote "On the Types dialog, would it be possible to have the Okay button highlighted by default? This way we could open the Door Type dialog by clicking on the menu button, and then close the dialog by hitting Enter, and immediately draw some doors."

If you update your Default drawing file to pre-load all your smart entities, then all that's needed is to use the pulldown arrow from the icon toolbar to select a different wall/door/window. Alternatively, you can ctrl-right click over any smart entity and select something different from the pop up menu.

If you open the wall/door/window managers, down the lower left of the windows is a box - tick it to show all the Display External Types - this then shows all types currently loaded in the drawing and everything else in your database.

My office works with caps lock ON, and if your Shift + A, it takes you directly to the Architect menu, pick doors and insert. The only time I need to use the Managers is to edit or create new smart entities or occasionally load a smart entity that wasn't included in the Default file. Everything else is accessed from the pulldown arrows in the icon tollbars.
#77080 by dhs
Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:40 pm
if 1-Line Trim by Entity could work on an edge of a polyline - that would be a wonderful thing!

Interesting you should mention that Neil, as I came across a scenario just a couple of days ago where I wanted to do that exact thing. My workaround was to draw a 2d line between the appropriate vertices, do the trim to that line, and then press the comma key to remove the 2d line.
I can understand why it is not there, but agree with you that it would be a nice addition to the trim logic.
#77134 by Mark Bell
Fri Oct 25, 2019 12:37 am
Dave wrote "Mark,

Could you please expand upon this idea a bit? I'm not quite able to
visualize what you are wanting."

Hi Dave,

I've shown some quick examples where using Mirror/Bisect and having either a symbol or polyline doesn't allow DataCAD to select the entity to bisect the space. Ideally, allowing the user to snap to two points to define the line (shown green) then bisect this line at 90' to create the mirror line.
Thanks for looking into this.

#77141 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Oct 25, 2019 2:25 pm
Mark Bell wrote:… I've shown some quick examples where using Mirror/Bisect and having either a symbol or polyline doesn't allow DataCAD to select the entity to bisect the space. Ideally, allowing the user to snap to two points to define the line (shown green) then bisect this line at 90' to create the mirror line.


I may be misunderstanding your request, but I believe you can already achieve this by entering 2 points and selecting Add 90 Ctr from the menu.

#77146 by Mark Bell
Sat Oct 26, 2019 6:39 pm
Hi Dave,

The option of selecting 2 points doesn't appear in the side menus when using bisect. The wishlist was to create a mirror line between two points and on picking the second snap point, the mirror line would automatically be shown. It follows on from the bisect option which is quick and simple but doesn't work with symbols, polylines, 3D slabs etc. This speeds up the process without the need to draw a line first then erase it later and omits having to pick Add 90Ctr which only shows in the Mirror/Entity menu but not Mirror/Bisect menu.
#77207 by David A. Giesselman
Fri Nov 08, 2019 1:48 pm
Mark Bell wrote:Hi Dave,

The option of selecting 2 points doesn't appear in the side menus when using bisect. The wishlist was to create a mirror line between two points and on picking the second snap point, the mirror line would automatically be shown. It follows on from the bisect option which is quick and simple but doesn't work with symbols, polylines, 3D slabs etc. This speeds up the process without the need to draw a line first then erase it later and omits having to pick Add 90Ctr which only shows in the Mirror/Entity menu but not Mirror/Bisect menu.

Just where would this option appear and how do you want it to work? I need the exact sequence of events you see with this feature. Sorry if I seem a bit dense on this one, but I'm having difficulty visualizing just how and where it would fit within the current Mirror menu logic.

#77211 by Mark Bell
Sun Nov 10, 2019 7:13 pm
Hello Dave,
It's more like me not explaining things clearly. The query relates more to the Bisect command as this is where I usually go to when in Mirror given I work predominantly with walls and am often doing multiple Bisect mirror or mirror and copy whilst still in Bisect. The Mirror/Bisect command currently only works with entities that Bisect is able to select (walls and lines). If other entities are present that are one of the points to bisect then it doesn't work and gives the response "The point entered is too far from an entity".

The wishlist would add the option to left mouse pick or object snap, when in Bisect, to a point as part of the second selection option asked for, as an alternative to "Click second line",

In the screenshot below, this would allow to;

1. Select the horizontal wall,
2. object snap to the circle centre,
3. the mirror line would then automatically be shown between the the two points and at 90 degrees in the one selection.

In the other example, using Bisect doesn't always give what I expect, especially with a busy floor plan with lots of various wall types and this would be due to the location of the control lines of the walls. The light red lines show the bisect lines of the two walls, which is an extension of where the control lines both intersect. This isn't always the mirror line required between the two walls but instead would be as shown by the green lines (which is more the two closest points along two selected walls). Ideally, the sides of the walls selected should be the bisect lines, irrespective on whether it's a control line or not. It's probably easier I just go back a level to the main Mirror menu and use point to point +90' and get used to working that way instead.

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