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#77363 by Ted B
Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:01 am
For over 30 years I've mostly been a typed-in "Relative Distance and Angle"-input guy, but I've started to use the "DirectionDistance"-input due to a current project with numerous grid-angles. It's just too confusing remembering where the 0-angle or East/North is for each orthograghy. Some grids are less than one-degree apart. Nothing is on a clean North- South grid or perpendicular. I've been using Grid-angle-match or 2-pts to navigate between orthographies.

I'm getting the hang of DirDist ...but I can't figure out how to place snap-points in DirDist. It's really tedious switching back and forth between Rel. DistAngle and DirDist. laying out drawing elements using snap-points, or using perpendicular offset...then erasing. I'm wasting time/effort with mistakes.

I live and die on snap-points for measuring and layout-work.

I have X21 installed, but I'm still using X18 for this project's drawings just "because".
#77371 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Dec 09, 2019 8:05 am
Hi Ted,

You should be able to place Snap Points in Dir/Dis mode. If you haven't already, you can possibly use the Shift/Snap to Get X/Y, etc. or use the `~ key to set a reference point - drag your cursor in the direction you want, and then enter the distance to place the Snap Point.

If this isn't clear, can you post the specific steps you are using?

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