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#77801 by gregg kett
Tue Mar 31, 2020 11:45 pm
hi anyone to help please , while using version 21 the drawing crashed don't know why, its only a small file but when i try to reopen , i get the blue spinning wheel of death, continuously.

i have closed the program and restarted the computer, a couple of times and when trying open the drawing i get the message "unexpected error and will reopen latest drawing", then i get the same spinning wheel of death, i have tried to rename the backup file same deal. I have tried to open both the backup renamed drawing and/or the original drawing using the repair facility in file menu and get message "fault 19 - error from 736.

i can open other drawings no problem, but this drawing either gets the blue spinning wheel or crashes. im concerned i may have corrupted the backup file as well ??

any suggestions, thanks Gregg
#77803 by Mark Bell
Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:29 am
A few things you could check:
1. Look in your \datacad 21\temporary files but date modified to see the latest swap files ($wp) of the drawing name. Copy it and paste and rename it into your working folder, then rename the $wp to AEC and try and open it,
2. Look in your \datacad 21\session backups for a folder with an earlier saved copy,
3. Look in your \datacad 21\recover_archive folder to see if there are any DRF files,
4. If the file includes xrefs, use the Repair Tool to open without loading the xrefs. If it opens then it's likely an xref is the problem, so open the xref files and purge the files,
5. If you're on a Subscription Plan send the file to TechSupport.
#77804 by Mark Bell
Wed Apr 01, 2020 6:33 am
You can also open a blank drawing, turn off all the swothludfbk settings, then open the problem file and press the Delete and End keys to pause/stop the loading of the layers. If you're able to get in, do a LayerSet to save out all your layers then load them in a new drawing. Also do a file drawing purge and create a new drawing with a different name.
#77810 by gregg kett
Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:11 pm
thanks for reply Mark , ive tried those options but no success, im not confident that i carried the instructions correctly but have sent file to tech support.
will see how we go
thanks again.

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