Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 21 and DataCAD LT 21.
#78042 by tlarso
Fri May 15, 2020 8:14 am
I'm having trouble with the ROOFIT macro in the toolbox. When I select ROOFIT from the toolbox I get the following menu. COPY, ROTATE, MIRROR, STRETCH, ENLARGE, ERASE, and GROUP. I'm unable to select a roof type. Is there any way to reload the ROOFIT macro without reinstalling DataCAD and the updates?
#78044 by tlarso
Fri May 15, 2020 11:11 am
I down loaded the zip file from the URL given and unzipped it to the DataCAD 21 Macros folder and came up with same menu as before for both the Roofit and ROOFUS DCX files. What have I done wrong and what should I do to correct the problem and get the ROOFIT macro to work right.
#78045 by tlarso
Fri May 15, 2020 11:51 am
I copied the macros folder from my DataCAD 19 LT and copied it to my DataCAD 21 program and I got back the proper menu for the ROOFIT macro.
#78047 by dhs
Fri May 15, 2020 1:50 pm
Glad you got it sorted...

The issue with Roofit picking up the wrong message file seems to crop up every now and again. Mark Madura posted some comments explaining what was going on back in October, and his post also has a zip of the macro files that you could use to correct the problem (note that both the dcx & msg files need to be extracted from the zip).
I believe that the link that Roger posted is to the old 1990's version of the macro that does not include the colour and layer options that were added last year. Probably the macro you copied from your DataCAD LT 19 is also the old version.
#78056 by dhs
Sun May 17, 2020 1:00 pm
Sorry John,

I should have checked before I posted the link, but yes it is in the Priority forum.

In the post Mark explains why the problem is happening and states that it will be fixed in future versions of the installer. The problem was reported in ver 21.02.02 so I expect that it should not occur if you have installed the latest version (although I am not certain if it might still exist if you installed a version of 21 with the problem and then updated to the current version).

It is up to Mark if he wants to make the full post available to all, but if Roofit is showing the wrong menu for you his advice was to delete RoofIt.dcx and RoofIt.msg from DataCAD's Macros folder and then run a 'Repair' install.
#78441 by DBrennfoerder
Mon Jul 27, 2020 3:26 pm
It's been a while since I used the Roofit tool. Yes, I'm experiencing the same issues that are mentioned here. I went into my Macro file, deleted roofit.dcx and roofit.msg and copied same from my DataCAD19 macro folder. Problem fixed.

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