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#79338 by Twizzle
Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:30 pm
Hi All,

I cannot open a drawing which is 99% complete and is worth many thousands of dollars to date, so I need to be able to repair it or open it some how.

I get the following error message. Decompression Error: 105.

The drawing then shuts down so I cannot pack and go or edit it in any way.

How can I open, repair and complete this drawing ? Any suggestion are much appreciated.

#79339 by joshhuggins
Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:40 pm
With all drawings closed, have you tried the File, Repair option? I don't recall if it helps with decompression errors though. Another thing to try is create a new blank drawing and then try using File Import to import your original file. Might have to get in touch with Datacad's tech support if those options don't work.
#79342 by Mark F. Madura
Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:27 am
Look for a RECOVER_ARCHIVE folder in your DataCAD program folder (i.e. C:\DataCAD 19\RECOVER_ARCHIVE). There may be recovered copies of your drawing in this folder with a DRF extension. There may also be a swap file in the Temporary Files folder (i.e. C:\DataCAD 19\Temporary Files). In the folder where your AEC file resides, there may be copies of your drawing with a DBK, ARF, or ARB extension.

You can send these to for us to look at.
#79345 by Twizzle
Mon Feb 08, 2021 6:13 pm
Thank you all, the DBK file was able to be opened and worked OK. None of the other suggestions worked.

#79346 by Mark Bell
Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:41 am
You might also consider doing a File/Purge Drawing and then working from the newer drawing or use the File/Savecopy option to create a copy of the working file and do this periodically as another form of backup.

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