Use this forum to ask questions about DataCAD 22 and DataCAD LT 22.
#79352 by DBrennfoerder
Sat Feb 13, 2021 11:29 am
v22.00.01.00 (PE)
I usually work with two additional screens and have ripped the menus off the working screen and dragged them to an "operating" screen, so my cad view is maximized. Occasionally, I'll unplug the extra screens and actually work on the laptop alone. DataCAD has previously nicely accommodated the change.
When I return to the multi-screen layout, previous versions of DataCAD easily returned to the multi-screen format with work on one screen and menus on another screen. Now, with the latest update, when I go back to multi-screens, my DataCAD is all on one screen with the menus attached, so I have to pull them all off and try to put them where I've always had them to work efficiently, usually getting one or two in the wrong place.
Is there a setting to tell it to keep the multi-screen layout when multi-screens are available?
#79358 by joshhuggins
Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:56 pm
Mark is working on a fix for a recent change in how Datacad response to changes in screen size and resolution that is causing this reset of the screen layouts.
#79637 by DBrennfoerder
Thu Apr 15, 2021 7:49 am
The menus are still a problem when I switch from 3 screens to one; all my tear off menus go back to the attached version and I have to yank them all loose again when I get back to 3 screens.
Need a fix.
#79638 by joshhuggins
Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:14 pm
DBrennfoerder wrote:The menus are still a problem when I switch from 3 screens to one; all my tear off menus go back to the attached version and I have to yank them all loose again when I get back to 3 screens.
Need a fix.
The latest beta build has some new smarts that pretty much fixes the issue, it's still in the testing phase though. You will have to setup the layout for each display setup, which at first sounds kind of like a bummer, but I think in the long run will be more of a feature. So you will get to lay it out Datacad's interface for each display setup you have. So if you are using three monitors, Datacad should remember the layout for that setup. Change to a single monitor, you will have to relay out the interface but then Datacad will remember how you lay it out for a single monitor. Then when you switch between the 2 different display setups, it will remember the layout for both which I think will be nice. So when you are on a tighter screen space you can have a nice, lean interface. When you are running on large, multi monitor setups, you can have more windows and toolbars spread out and have a larger drawing board window for example.

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