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#80872 by Aaron Ben-Avraham
Wed May 04, 2022 9:36 am
How do I stop Datacad from turning off either Line 1 or 2 after running a stringline dimension? I usually do Identify/set all when I want to add a dimension and often times it is just a single dimension or two and not a new stringline, only to discover that a line is missing and I have to go back in and turn it on. This has become really annoying and I don't know what has changed. I don't remember it happening before. I want both lines left on all the time...
#80873 by Joseph Baron
Wed May 04, 2022 2:25 pm
I see what you're saying, but I'm wondering why you're having to use Identify > Set All when dimensioning.

What happens when you don't use Identify > Set All and just apply a dimension to your drawing?
#80874 by Aaron Ben-Avraham
Wed May 04, 2022 4:42 pm
It saves me from having to scroll through the Layer List and use set active for the Dimension layer (i.e.: L>Set active>Scroll through the layers, then select the layer). I've done it like this for a long time but it was only recently something seems to have changed. I'm just not sure what may have changed, but it doesn't seem to be working the same way I have become accustomed to. FWIW I don't want either of the lines to be turned off at any time...
#80875 by Mark Bell
Wed May 04, 2022 4:59 pm
I have this from time to time after using Alt+I too. What I've found is the running dimension/Stringline used to Set-All already had either Line 1 or 2 turned off, which is part of the normal sequence when using this running dimension style. If you move each dimension away from the other you should be able to see that only one line is set to on. I think this is a carry over from the 'old' days when pen plotters were in use and to prevent the plotter from drawing two lines on top of each other.

A quick way to turn all lines on for dimensions is to pick Change S8 in the Dimensions menu, then Dimstyle and turn Line 1 and 2 on (F2, F5), right click once to go back a sub-menu and by Area, select the whole drawing.. Also don't forget to Alt+I over a dimension to reset it to having both lines on for when you create a new dimension.
#80876 by Joseph Baron
Wed May 04, 2022 5:20 pm
Mark Bell wrote:A quick way to turn all lines on for dimensions is to pick Change S8 in the Dimensions menu, then Dimstyle and turn Line 1 and 2 on (F2, F5), right click once to go back a sub-menu and by Area, select the whole drawing..

You can also just use CTRL+A to select all dimensions.
#80877 by Joseph Baron
Wed May 04, 2022 5:43 pm
Aaron Ben-Avraham wrote:It saves me from having to scroll through the Layer List and use set active for the Dimension layer (i.e.: L>Set active>Scroll through the layers, then select the layer)...

Makes sense, I'm used to working on drawings where having seperate dimension layers is not required so that tripped me.

Here's a simple keyboard macro using 'hover select' meaning run it while the cursor is near the entity to select:

*** Identify | Set All

Would it be any help to use the CTRL+right-click to just select the layer?
DataCAD Entity CTRL right-click.jpg
DataCAD Entity CTRL right-click.jpg (35.14 KiB) Viewed 21500 times
#80878 by Joseph Baron
Wed May 04, 2022 8:39 pm
I found it!

DataCAD 12 Revision History:
A new key, "Suppress Witness Line 1", has been added to the [General] section of DCADWIN.ini. If FALSE, associative string line dimensions will include the first witness line. The default value is TRUE.

I would close DataCAD before editing the INI file.
#80879 by Mark Bell
Wed May 04, 2022 8:43 pm
Good find - allows users to set all witness lines to be all on by default so when Alt+I or Crtl-A is used on any dimension line it's more likely now to adopt both lines being on.
#80881 by Aaron Ben-Avraham
Thu May 05, 2022 7:12 am
Brilliant! Thank you Joseph!

Joseph Baron wrote:I found it!

DataCAD 12 Revision History:
A new key, "Suppress Witness Line 1", has been added to the [General] section of DCADWIN.ini. If FALSE, associative string line dimensions will include the first witness line. The default value is TRUE.

I would close DataCAD before editing the INI file.
#80958 by thelogco
Fri May 27, 2022 1:34 pm
Help. I have attempted to ass the line to keep both dimension lines active but this doesn't appear to work. I have added the code below. Is there something that is overriding this?

1LineTrim By Entity=TRUE
AllCaps Linked=FALSE
Auto Extract 2D Symbol=TRUE
Auto Extract 2D=TRUE
Auto Extract 3D Symbol=FALSE
Auto Extract 3D=FALSE
Automatic Crossing Selection=FALSE
Autosave Interval=15
Copy Keeps Groups=FALSE
Create Missing Folders=FALSE
Create Session Files=TRUE
Disable Line Weight Hot Key=FALSE
Disallow No On Layers in Symbols=TRUE
Double Click For Properties=TRUE
Double Click For RFM=TRUE
Double Click For Symbol Editor=FALSE
Drawing Sessions=10
Insert Key Disabled=TRUE
Last Import Type=2
Left+Right Mouse Button Panning=TRUE
New 3D Menus=FALSE
No Scroll Keys=FALSE
No Timer Pause=FALSE
Prevent Windows Screen Saver=FALSE
Prevent Windows Sleep=FALSE
Remember ToLayer Color=
Remember ToLayer Line Spacing=
Remember ToLayer Linetype=
Reverse Scroll Wheel Zoom=TRUE
Save Current Plot Scale With View=FALSE
SaveAs Uses Current Drawing Folder=FALSE
Scroll Zoom to Cursor Position=FALSE
Shift For Implied Deselect=FALSE
Shift For Implied Match=FALSE
Show Absolute Zero=FALSE
Show Current Reference Point=FALSE
Show Hatch During Drag=FALSE
Show Object Snap Point=TRUE
SHX Conversion=100
Sort Paths In Preferences=FALSE
Spacebar For Distance Input=FALSE
Suppress Witness Line 1=False
#80959 by joshhuggins
Fri May 27, 2022 1:54 pm
thelogco wrote:Help. I have attempted to ass the line to keep both dimension lines active but this doesn't appear to work. I have added the code below. Is there something that is overriding this?
I believe that is the only line you need. It will not change existing dimensions, but should be set for any going forward that are created with both lines on.

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