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#81129 by DBrennfoerder
Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:59 pm
Looking for some thoughts:

I became aware of a building that is under construction in a rural area of my state. There is no state AHJ, but the state architectural regulations say that an assembly building for public use must be signed/sealed by a responsible architect. I can see from the image on GoogleEarth and dozens of photos on the owner's website that the building has issues. This building lacks code compliance in many areas. but I'm sure some "designer" put plans out and the client was happy to build it. The building is nearing completion at this time.

Code comments: over 6,000 sq ft with Type V-B construction, over 12,000 sq ft without sprinkler; over 300 people without sprinkler; 2 story wood construction without sprinkler. 90' dead-end corridor, 1/2" sheetrock on 24" spaced studs, no Type X sheetrock in corridor, Romex wiring, to name a few. If I had a ton of documentation, I could turn it in to the architectural board, but they'd only slap the guy's hands, fine him and collect some money - nothing to remediate the issue. I could suggest that the county fire chief take some action, but they are not authorized to do plan approval or rejection; they only look for fire extinguishers and exit signs. If I write to somebody explaining the issues, I'll probably get sued for defamation or something like that.

I'm thinking of a one to one meeting with the owner, tell him about the issues, suggest that they have lots of fire extinguishers and a "no flame, no pyro - anytime, anywhere" rule. I used to have a co-worker who's attitude in similar cases was, "I can't see it from my house". Maybe I should just forget about it and not lose any more sleep. There is no overseeing AHJ, so they literally can build anything they want. I'm too much of a busybody, right?
#81131 by Joseph Baron
Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:47 am
Follow your conscience. Sometimes a chance meeting can benefit all involved.
#81132 by Ted B.
Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:17 pm
One disturbing trend I've seen is the Builder (and the Architect) complete a project with the idea of competing for prizes as a stark "modern building", They finish the project, take all the fancy, expensive pictures for publication and the competition...then quietly come-back later and retrofit the Code-compliant stair rails and guards, fittings and features afterwards. In the pictures it's all sleek and modern with uninterrupted sight lines and miminalist stairs...not even all the light fixtures. "Handrails...who needs handrails? It's only a twelve-foot shear-drop."
#81133 by DBrennfoerder
Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:21 pm
Joseph Baron: I think I'll ask for a meeting to discuss it, tell him some of my history dealing with codes and similar buildings, emphasize that I have no authority over his building, the nearby city has no authority, the local county fire marshal has no authority. They are literally in an area where they can do anything they want, and have. I'll ask if their draftsman had promised "signed/sealed/code-compliant" work and ask if they would like me to document anything and report it to the state architectural board. If not, I'm done.

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