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#82585 by californiaathome
Sat Nov 18, 2023 9:00 pm
Every time my cursor crosses the hatch pattern listed as CTLSTN_HR, even if I don't click on it, it locks u p my program for upwards of 5-10 minutes. I have tried deleting this pattern but it won't go away. Any thoughts on why it does this and how to get rid of it?
#82586 by dhs
Sun Nov 19, 2023 6:24 am
I suspect that the hatch pattern you mentioned is trying to render an extremely dense preview that is taking a long time. If you do want to continue using this pattern then you can edit the DHP file and reduce the Display Scale setting so that the preview is not so dense (I think you will need to exit and then restart DC for the change to take effect)

My understanding is that if you have previously used an associative hatch in a drawing then the pattern is stored in the drawing file (even if the associative hatch has since been deleted), so deleting or editing the DHP file may not be effective for that drawing. You can use File/Purge and select to Purge Empty or Unused Hatch Patterns in the section at the bottom of the Purge dialog to save a copy of the drawing from which unused hatch patterns have been removed.

Hope this is helpful.
#82587 by MtnArch
Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:02 pm
If you need to keep that hatch in the drawing, you can also temporarily change it to a much simpler hatch (ie. ANSI 31) while you're working on it, and then replace it with the more complex hatch before you print/plot for real. You could probably also use two different hatches (one complex and one simple) on different layers and use the GTV's to turn each one on/off when you're ready to publish.
#82588 by DBrennfoerder
Sun Nov 19, 2023 3:31 pm
Two other options:

1. Go to the Utility menu, pick the display option, and unselect F3, "Hatches".

2. Put that hatch (and any other for simplicity) on a unique layer and simply turn it off while working on the file; just remember to turn it on for your final print.
#82589 by joshhuggins
Sun Nov 19, 2023 4:40 pm
You can probably also hold down the END key to get out of it locking up as well if needed.
#82590 by Roger D
Mon Nov 20, 2023 9:48 am
A couple other thoughts.
You can turn that layer off while working on it, just make sure the the MSP view and linked to a GTV that has that layer turned off.

You can quickly turn view of hatch off by hitting the "H" to "h" in the SWOTHLUDFBK toolbar.

Make sure in the .ini file you have under
Code: Select all[Printer]
Print Hatch=TRUE

So even when you don't view the hatch, it will print.

If this hatch is not in the file, but is showing on the list, you might uncheck "Display Hatch Patterns" in the Interface tab of Program Preferences.
#82591 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Nov 20, 2023 8:22 pm

I think that like Linetypes, you have the option to only show hatch patterns that are already loaded?

Another possible solution is to Purge Unused hatch patterns.

You can go to the DataCAD/Support Files/Hatch Patterns (I think?) and move that pattern file out of the main folder - or you can choose to delete it.
#82593 by dhs
Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:53 pm
From the way that you worded your description, it seemed to me that you meant that when you had the list of hatch patterns up, passing over CTLSTN_HR caused a lock up. If that is when you get the display generation issue, then it can be resolved by going into CTLSTN_HR.dhp and editing the second line, "Scale" from what you see to a number many times as large

I understood the description the same way as Woody, but suggested changing the Display Scale in the dhp file rather than the Scale. Either suggestion will work, but I think changing the scale setting will change the scale of inserted hatches, whereas the display scale should only effect the preview that is displayed when your cursor passes over the hatch.
On the other hand, changing the scale setting is a bit easier to understand in some respects as it is a multiplier applied to the hatch definition so the results are proportional to the change in the scale setting (whereas Display Scale is an index to the 18 scales set in DCADWIN.scl ... e.g. if scale number 9 is 1:20, number 10 is 1:25, and number 11 is 1:50 then changing display scale from 10 to 11 will decrease the spacing by 50% [resulting in a more dense preview], whereas changing it from 10 to 9 will increase the spacing by 20% [resulting in a slightly less dense preview])
#82594 by ORWoody
Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:07 pm
I deleted my reply because I only had time to experiment for a few minutes. "Scale=" would seem to me to be a control for the scale of the pattern within the drawing, while "Display Scale=" would be what would be seen in the Pattern List. Yet, when I changed it in the dhp file, the Scale= changed the density of the pattern in the box. When I changed the value of Display Scale=, I didn't see a change in the box. What I just realized is that I set the value of Display Scale= to a number that was outside the number of available scale settings. That made the display ignore my value and simply show the display as the Scale= value.
I do recall deleting a pattern or two years ago that were doing exactly what is the problem here. At the time, I had never needed those patterns, so didn't take the time to figure out how to change the display.
#82595 by Roger D
Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:29 pm
Is there anyway to change all the settings in all the files from like
Scale=200 to Scale=500
Display scale from
Display Scale=10 to Display Scale=4?
#82596 by joshhuggins
Tue Nov 21, 2023 11:30 pm
Roger D wrote:Is there anyway to change all the settings in all the files from like
Scale=200 to Scale=500
Display scale from
Display Scale=10 to Display Scale=4?
You could use something like UltraEdit or Notepad++ to do a search and replace across multiple files.
#82597 by dhs
Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:33 am
Oran Woody wrote:
What I just realized is that I set the value of Display Scale= to a number that was outside the number of available scale settings. That made the display ignore my value and simply show the display as the Scale= value

I think that an invalid display scale is interpreted as 1 (i.e. the first scale setting). The other reason why changing the Display Scale setting in the dhp file might not work is if you have used the hatch associatively in the drawing (in which case the hatch definition is stored in the drawing file and changing the dhp file will not change it - even you have deleted or undone the hatch unless you have also purged it).

Roger D wrote:
Is there anyway to change all the settings in all the files from like
Scale=200 to Scale=500
Display scale from
Display Scale=10 to Display Scale=4?

Not sure why you would want to? In most cases the creator of the hatch will have used appropriate values, and it is only the occasional pattern that causes problems in my experience (best addressed individually if needed).

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