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#10562 by chris laggis
Mon Mar 20, 2006 7:18 pm
i am a one person design firm and Im ready to buy a plotter. I really only need to plot black and white line drawings.
I want something that will hold AND cut 24 inch rolls of transluscent or regular ol' paper.
A stand and catcher might be nice, too.
Im willing to pay for a plotter that will perform without maintenance headaches.
HP is a brand i know and trust, but what about others?
I started out looking @ the HP 500 and similars, but I think its more than i need. How about the HP 130nr?
oh yeah, im currently using DCAD 10.

Thanks so much for sharing your valuable input.
Chris Laggis
#10576 by TheNextStepp
Tue Mar 21, 2006 5:19 pm
I was in the same boat about 2 months ago. After weeks of racking my brain I went for the HP Designjet 500 42" instead of the 130NR simply because I managed to get a deal I could not pass up ($1000 plus shipping). I like the 130NR's resolution but its limited in the size it can print and the lack of a stand unless you pony up some more dough and buy it after the fact. I have seen a 500 go for $750 before on ebay so I would keep an eye out and go for that if you can get one for a deal.
#10596 by chris laggis
Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:23 pm
Thanks for the information everyone.
Guess I'll try and keep an eye out for a 500.

#10607 by kapone085
Wed Mar 22, 2006 4:28 pm
We have a HP 750Cplus w/24" roll. It also has color availability.

you can just use the black ink cartridge though.
ive used it for about 5 years and it's a great machine.

I'll have to check with my boss to see if he wants to sell.
Also, where are you located, I think that too will be a major factor.
#10630 by chris laggis
Wed Mar 22, 2006 7:36 pm
hey jason, thanks for the reply. I live at 9,000 feet. Crested Butte, Colorado. I appreciate your insights, im hesitant to buy a used plotter though.

thanks again, chris

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