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#11440 by Jsosnowski
Tue May 09, 2006 11:52 am
D4D : DCADEXE issues Set-up and operations of the Demo version for D4D developers.
#11552 by Jsosnowski
Mon May 15, 2006 1:51 pm
I am trying to startup the Demo program without success. After unzipping it, I have located the file in the Datacad Directory and attempted to unzip it. I get the error message " ...DCLoader.dll was not found. Several questions:

1. Where is this file if it is not included with the demo?
2. Is the DCADDemo.exe the program or a self extracting zip?
3. Does this demo have the same 45 day limitation that the Datacad Test drive download has?
#11554 by Miguel Palaoro
Mon May 15, 2006 3:24 pm
Hello Joe,

Congratulations for your initiative on creating this sections. At least for the starting purposes, it will be of great help.

Jsosnowski wrote:I am trying to startup the Demo program without success. After unzipping it, I have located the file in the Datacad Directory and attempted to unzip it. I get the error message " ...DCLoader.dll was not found. Several questions:

1. Where is this file if it is not included with the demo?
A: It should be at the DataCAD root folder. If you can't find it, tell me that I can provide a copy to you.

2. Is the DCADDemo.exe the program or a self extracting zip?
No, it is the program itself. The self extracting install is named "DataCAD11TestDrive.exe".

3. Does this demo have the same 45 day limitation that the Datacad Test drive download has?
Yes. It is the same. Unless you have found an alternative copy somewhere!

#11815 by Jsosnowski
Thu May 25, 2006 8:24 pm
I am a current owner of Datacad 10, I have not upgraded to 11, so I have that program running on my machine. Other than for programming purposes, I am not using Cad in a production capacity and cannot justify the upgrade at present.

I have loaded the DCADDemo.exe Testdrive Datacad 11 on my computer and it is working. The problem is that I will need an operating copy for longer than 45 days.

I have downloaded DCADwin.exe that comes with DCAl for Delphi, but cannot get it running. It is looking for the hardware lock driver but cannot find it. I have downloaded the current driver (today) and have identified it in the Win32 directory.

Does anyone have any insight as to why it will not find it and load?

I have also recompiled the AEC_MOD.dmx macro in Delphi 2006 using the correct DCADDemo.exe name in the Uinterfaces unit, but it will not run on the Demo program. All I get is a blank menu and no forms. The mouse escape does return control to DataCad. Is the Demo program compatible with the DMX format?

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