Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#12188 by DBrennfoerder
Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:33 am
Nothing is more frustrating than to work up nice colors on a model and then go to o2c and find that the "entity color" and the "rendered color" do not match and my soft tan wall is rendered as bright purple. They are both using my palette, but many colors are not assigned to the same color in both areas. I know it is easy to change the assignment and even edit the color. Is there an easy way to force corelation between entity and rendered colors?

Is it easier to assign rendered color by layer, similar to the system used by our old VR software? I've never even tried that here.
#12272 by Mark F. Madura
Tue Jun 20, 2006 3:13 pm
Is there an easy way to force corelation between entity and rendered colors?

Yes. Go to View, Rendering Settings and select Load Defaults. Doing so will set the rendered color to match the entity/current palette color.


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