What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#12666 by MtnArch
Sat Jul 08, 2006 11:17 pm
One of the commands that I make use of alot in Acad for circles/arcs is the "TTR" (Tangent/Tangent/Radius) command. With this command you specify a line/circle/arc for the first tangent, specify a second line/circle/arc for the second tangent, and then specify what radius you want to use and Acad draws the arc, trimmed to the tangent points. Is there any way that we could get a command similar to this? I'm trying to layout a compound curve right now that I REALLY need to use this type of command instead of multiple trial-and-error.

PLEASE???? :)
#12667 by Neil Blanchard
Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:50 am
Hello Alan,

Have you tried Fillet for this? It may have problems with filleting two arcs, and if you have clipping on, it gets tricky with a line and an arc. Undo does not really work with this either, so obviously it is far from perfect -- but it might get you through some situations?

As for compound curves, you might try polylines/tangent, though this makes it hard to get specific radiuses.
#12668 by MtnArch
Sun Jul 09, 2006 12:50 pm
Hi, Neil -

Yes, I have tried fillet but it seems like it takes more work to clean up afterwards than it's worth. I'm not sure how Acad does it but it is a handy command!

Thanks for the suggestions!
#12669 by Paul Nida
Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:01 pm
I am with you on this one Alan. DataCAD has never handled this situation very well. Fillets only partially work with curves unfortunately. This is another one of the things I keep asking to have fixed but for some reason it never seems to get to the top of the list. Neil, after using undo, try updating your screen with the 'u' key and see if it doesn't get you back where you were. It usually works for me.
#12670 by Miguel Palaoro
Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:23 pm
I would like to have it too, Alan.

My guess is that an engine rebuilt for the 'Curves' in tandem with the already announced new 'Object -Snap' feature, could make a great improvement in the 2D design area.

Hope this can be put on top of the list.

#12681 by joshhuggins
Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:17 am
I like part where you define a radius as the meeting points. That would be hecka kwel.
#12688 by Steve Scott
Mon Jul 10, 2006 12:30 pm
Drawing a line from the tangent of one arc to the tangent of another arc
(or circle) would be a handy input tool, too. For example, if you laid a
12" log on the ground a few feet away from a 24" log and laid a 2x4 down
from one log across to the other. The geometric construction of such a
line has escaped me, and when occasion arises, I just guess as to its
#12696 by MtnArch
Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:08 pm
Neil -

I tried the fillet of two arcs this morning - Dcad simply ignored it and wouldn't do anything. You can fillet an arc and a line (and still have to refresh the screen to see the original arch and then trim it) but not two arcs. :cry:
#12708 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:32 am
What about to refresh the wish item for ObjSnap Enhancements, at here:

May be with this announced 'smart' entities it can be turned into reality sooner.

#12713 by joshhuggins
Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:32 am
My question for Miguel is, are you lucky enough to be using v12 alpha? You images show the little fly outs for tangents. Or did you add these in your self :?: :wink:
#12715 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:10 pm
joshhuggins wrote:My question for Miguel is, are you lucky enough to be using v12 alpha? You images show the little fly outs for tangents. Or did you add these in your self :?: :wink:

Wish I would. Unfortunately not yet. The flyouts were captured from the regular DC11 screen/toolbars.

Hope to receive good news from Mark soon.


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