Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#12716 by BHart
Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:21 pm
We just purchased o2c_Interactive. So, I thought I would start with a 3D model of a custom display case that we need to design for a local University. I build the model, assigned textures, and when I open it up in o2c, the image is very small. I have the field of view decreased as far as it will go. It is still way too small to see any detail. What else controls the size of this image? Any help would be much appreciated!!
#12717 by joshhuggins
Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:55 pm
You probably have an entity way out some where in your drawing, could even be on a layer that's turned off I found on a weird occasion or two. A work around is to copy what you want to look at to a blank drawing file and view it / export it from there. I haven't used O2C in quite a while so I'm not real familiar with it anymore. I think you also might be able to Ctrl+E to select the entities before you create your O2C, but I may be wrong.
#12721 by BHart
Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:06 pm
Josh, you're Brilliant!! First I "saved the drawing as" another drawing and erased all of the layers and entities that did not apply to the model. The o2c image was still real small. I then did what you said and copied those entities into a blank drawing file. I went into the o2c viewer, and there it was, big as life!! Perfect!! Thanks so much!!
#18012 by peter korzaan
Fri Dec 29, 2006 12:56 pm
I just had this problem. I had imported some Acad drawings into my default file, and after working awhile, I tried O2c, to discover it was very small. The layers imported where a great distance away from absolute zero. Draged and dropped all the layers to the center, and now O2c is normal.

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