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#13410 by solid
Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:43 pm
Sorry for the easy one, but how do I open a dcx file to edit the code? Nothing in the PDF version of the help file. Feel free to flame my butt, as long as give me a pointer. :)

#13411 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:55 pm
Hello Paul,

There is no way to edit (at a 'human' fashion) a DCX file. It is scrambled by the compiler which turns human words originally used to create the macro, into machine language. All you will see are unconnected an unsorted letters and characters.

When compiled it can be understood only by DataCAD machine language routines.

[Edit: BTW, what was actually your target for editing a DCX file ?]

#13412 by solid
Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:10 pm
Miguel Palaoro wrote:Hello Paul,

There is no way to edit (at a 'human' fashion) a DCX file. It is scrambled by the compiler which turns human words originally used to create the macro, into machine language. All you will see are unconnected an unsorted letters and characters.

When compiled it can be understood only by DataCAD machine language routines.

[Edit: BTW, what was actually your target for editing a DCX file ?]


Hey Miguel,
I didn't realize it was compiled. What is the source file extension?

I was hoping to edit the code to detatch the text from my polygons from my last post. What language do you guys code DataCAD in?

Thanks for your time,

I got it DCAL wiht seems to be pascal...WOW I learned this in highschool...
I'm never complaining about AutoCAD again...:)

Thank again for your help,
#13416 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:20 pm
solid wrote:...What is the source file extension?

The main macro text file was .DCS, when used DCAL to compile.

solid wrote:I was hoping to edit the code to detatch the text from my polygons from my last post.

My interest was just for information purposes. I was trying to help to solve your problem of handling the objects that had annoying behavior. Absolutely no other purpose.
May be you could erase everything you got on a drawing that could in anyway identify author, place or client, and make available just a single file with objects like those you reported.
Sorry for anything.

#13418 by solid
Wed Aug 23, 2006 5:57 pm
Miguel Palaoro wrote:
solid wrote:...What is the source file extension?

The main macro text file was .DCS, when used DCAL to compile.

solid wrote:I was hoping to edit the code to detatch the text from my polygons from my last post.

My interest was just for information purposes. I was trying to help to solve your problem of handling the objects that had annoying behavior. Absolutely no other purpose.
May be you could erase everything you got on a drawing that could in anyway identify author, place or client, and make available just a single file with objects like those you reported.
Sorry for anything.


Miguel, I didn't think your help was any but that, and if I implied otherwise somehow I do appolgise. I am do work for the company, as
an outside developer so it's not up to me to post or not.

If you were to look at an entire drawing, it's just like the entity I posted in the other post. Only there is about a thousand of them per drawing.

If I can get the source code, I am hoping to get permission to send it to you. Obviously I would pay to have you look at it.

I have a meeting in the moring. I will let you know, how it goes.

my email replace AT

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