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#14303 by am
Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:00 am
Hello troupers,

Has anyone else experienced problems with binding self-xrefs? I am trying to bind 'on' layers only and it works fine with non-self xrefed files but when the self xref binds it brings 'all' layers.

Yes, I could just the image and edit out the layers I don't want but this seems a bit of wasted effort when I already have the xref set up with the right layers/cropping etc.

Any ideas?
#14304 by Neil Blanchard
Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:38 am
Hello Amy,

Another way to do this would be to use Control-E to Copy, and then Control-V to Paste the part you need. This would make it easier to control the layers used, I think?

How are you using it? Could you just use the actual entities, maybe with a Clip Cube?
#14307 by Greg Blandin
Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:50 am
Why are you binding the self xref?
#14312 by Paul Nida
Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:30 am
Actually, binding a self xref seems like wasted effort to me.
#14315 by Greg Blandin
Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:25 am
I believe Amy is looking for help...not criticism.
#14320 by Paul Nida
Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:13 pm
Greg Blandin wrote:I believe Amy is looking for help...not criticism.

Then I suggest that you give it to her, because I don't have any help for her. I don't understand why anyone would want to bind a self xref. Why wouldn't you just copy the information where you want it instead of trying to bind a self xref? That is all you would be doing by binding the self xref anyway. You can't be wanting to take advantage of an xclip, because you lose the clip when you bind it anyway. You can't have the xref at it's absolute zero location, because then when you bind it you would just overlap the bound entities over the top of the existing entities on the same layers. So instead of binding the self xref, just copy the entities to where you want them. No xreffing needed no copy clipping needed, this seems like a simple copy to me. You are adding the same entities into the same drawing at a different location, that is the purpose of the copy command. Now please explain to me why someone would want to waste time and effort to bind a self xref.
#14322 by Greg Blandin
Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:20 pm
Fine Paul.

If you can't help why do you seem to feel it's necessary to criticize a method of drafting of a fellow datacadder?

I'm not saying it isn't easier to just copy and paste to get what you want, but until you know more information as to why they are doing the procedure they way they are, don't discredit their method.
#14324 by Sinha
Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:37 pm
am wrote:Has anyone else experienced problems with binding self-xrefs? I am trying to bind 'on' layers only and it works fine with non-self xrefed files but when the self xref binds it brings 'all' layers.

Hi Amy,
I hope you understand what is "Self"Xref? If No, then let me explain. Self-Xrefs are drawing that is inserted as an Xref within itself. Eg. Dwg1 is inserted as Xref in Dwg1. So Any entities or layers you create in Dwg1 is automatically reflected in Dwg1(Xref).
If you bind the Xref(Dwg1) in the Dwg1, all you are doind is creating duplicate layers and Multiple entities of the Exact same Dwg1.
A simple solution is to Toggle you layers and save a View. Or ClipCube. Deleting the Self Xref will not affect you Dwg1 at all.
#14325 by Philip Hart
Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:00 pm
Actually, binding a self-xref would place all of the "new" entities into their original layers, in their (presumbly) new location.
#14343 by Paul Nida
Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:01 pm
Philip Hart wrote:Actually, binding a self-xref would place all of the "new" entities into their original layers, in their (presumbly) new location.

You are right Philip, all she is doing is copying the entities in a very round about way. And as she found out it doesn't work the way she wants. It is a total waste of time and effort.

Greg, if you want to waste your time, be my guest. Waste away buddy.
#14351 by joshhuggins
Sat Oct 14, 2006 3:31 pm
I love wasting time sooooooo.

While Paul has some what of a point, if the self xrefs are numerous and have a lot of locations that do not align with the original entities, "just copying and pasting could take a lot longer than if we could just click bind and then use the clipit macro.

But I did find a new bug that I will post to the beta forum that is related to the binding process duplicating and replacing layer names, and may be part of the issue Amy is having. I have to go now, playing Mr.Mom this weekend, but have been able to duplicate it several times and it's not good.
#14358 by am
Sun Oct 15, 2006 8:42 pm
hey fellas,

thanks for that lively and enlightening debate. yes, i am aware that i'm simply copying entities is a strange way but let me explain why...

i was using the self-xref in what i presume is a fairly normal fashion - using the same base plan to show different information while keeping it all in one neat dwg file. now because that stage of the project is over, as an office protocol we like to bind in all xrefs used to make a 'final' set of drawings that can be easily archived without orphaned xrefs hanging off them...

and thats when i discovered that selfxrefs won't bind selective layers and therefor i will have to, as susggested, do a standard copy and paste to replicate work that i thought was finished and done. so its a lesson learned for me - its better to separate things out into multiple files so i can bind easily when the time comes.

so thanks for the imput. such passion for the product is what makes the datacad community great.

#14359 by Paul Nida
Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:47 pm
If you are just trying to archive the files, why bind them at all? Since it is a self xref, the xref will always be available and there is no worry about it getting separated and lost. Also, xrefs don't have to be in their original directory as long as they are in the same directory as the master file. With a self xref that shouldn't be a problem. So why would it be necessary to bind the self xref?
#14369 by joshhuggins
Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:12 am
Paul's right , the self xrefs "should" work fine even if the file is moved to a different directory. Only problem I could think of for self xrefs is if the file name changes. If not, self xrefs are easily redefined.
#14371 by Neil Blanchard
Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:31 am

If you have to rename a file that has self-references, then I recommend using the Save As function to do this, and this "redefines" them and you don't need to do anything else.

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