Found a hidden feature or want to share a time-saving shortcut? Let us all know...
#1780 by Evan Shu
Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:12 am

WHEN: Thursday, April 14, 2005, 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Boston Society of Architects Building
52 Broad St. <>(Click for map/directions)
Boston, Massachusetts
HOST: Mark Madura, DATACAD

Note: AIA Members & Massachusetts Registered Architects can earn 3 CEU credits
for attending.

* Light Dinner Refreshments ($5 Donation) / Reception & Hobnobbing
Complimentary juice/beer/wine courtesy of the Boston Society of Architects

* Welcome, Introductions, General Announcements

* DataCAD Updated
by Mark Madura, President & CEO of DATACAD
Mark will review the latest DataCAD Update 11.06.00's new features as well as
give us a little glimpse of things in the current programming pipeline.

* DataCAD In Use
by Mark Madura
Perhaps even more interesting, Mark will show you a current building renovation
that is near and dear to his heart in Michigan for a family home that he
designed using DataCAD software. Learn some of the new cheap tricks he developed
with material mapping to achieve some very realistic and accurate rendering.
Come see what the CEO of DataCAD does with his own software for a real project!

by Gregory Barriere, AIA

Due to time limitations last month, Greg's presentation was abbreviated, cutting
out some of the more interesting design concepts. Back by popular demand, he
will review the design and construction concepts behind his large office park
project in Hyderbad (central India) with over a half-million square feet of
office planning and fit-outs. Last month's presentation set the stage for this
fascinating setting in India, learn more about the how and why of what is being

Hope to see you there!
#1787 by Mark Bell
Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:52 am
Hi Evan.

Would it be possible for mark to post some of his renderings etc. onto the web so we can see what he's achieved?

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