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#197 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:01 pm
Hello Jeff:

When I click on that link, it takes me to the PhotoBucket logon screen -- it probably works from your machine because you have their cookie. Is that the "URL" link?
#200 by Jeff Stoutenborough
Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:58 pm

You may be right. The link I used (and have pasted in my 1st post) is the URL that shows in the browser window when I go directly to and navigate to my "album" location and the specific photo within the album. I don't have to login to get there on my computer, so I thought it would work that way on others. Should I be doing this some other way, or is there another way to give the address to this web-located photo? If there's a simpler way, I'm open to it.
#202 by Neil Blanchard
Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:42 pm
Hello Jeff:

I don't think you can use the Album location -- it has to be a direct link to the image file.

This is the PhotoBucket link to my dual monitor pic: ... nitors.png

which is the one that you should paste into the Profile. If you want it to show up in a post, use the like this:


Your URL has the "action..." bit and that is the issue, I think.
#215 by Jeff Stoutenborough
Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:34 am

Thanks a godzillian. Obviously it works now. The "action= etc." stuff threw the link off as you thought.

Nice monitors! It's like going to the old drive in movie.

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