What features would you like to see added to a future version of DataCAD?
#1973 by pmerkl
Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:48 pm
I would like to see Datacad incororate a high end rendering package into its next version. I wouldn't mind spending a little more for this option. I like the present rendering with the o2c and also like the shader, but I believe that Datacad needs to step up to the plate. It needs to work with a vendor like lightscape to develop a rendering module with in Datacad that will allow us architects to do more advanced lighting, animation and also Sun studies. I know that there are programs out there like 3dmax, form"z" and others but I really like how the Datacad product is set for Architects not computer geeks. Datacad knows what architects like and what we want. I want advanced rendering with ease of use.

Paul Merkl architect
Phoenix, Az
Datacad user since v4. 8)
#2007 by joshhuggins
Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:54 pm
For now we can only dream............

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