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#19924 by devinder
Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:36 pm
A1) When DataCAD's stack becomes full (only when user stacks commands by pressing a key), DataCAD will pop out all stacks by calling Alast.

A2) It would be rare if DCAL macro will contain 100 states. 8101-8200 is the index allocated. Unless you use this index, this index will never be called. You can start your "Main" routine with this index and work downwards (8200,8199,8198) or use random indexes (8200,8150,8125,8168). You have full flexibility for which index to use for your state, but you are limited to this range only.

A3) DataCAD does that automattically when
Code: Select allretval := XDone

is encountered by DataCAD. You do not have to do anything special.

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