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#25189 by dcad-au
Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:47 am
Help Please...

Have been using DataCad since 1988...was one of the first in Australia.

Have recently dusted off the old version 7 (dos) and applied to some current work...may upgrade to current windows version if I can get the following macro from someone.

Have an architectural background, but need to adapt datacad to draw drill-traces from a current exploration project. Each line needs to be made up of 1m segments, up to say 300m long, with each segment assigned a colour relative to a coinciding mineral grade.

Basically, each line is a pictorial reference of the drill core that will typically drill down from surface at an angle of say 45% or so from horizontal. Generally, such drill lines deviate up and down in the z direction as well swing from side to side in the plan view...we need the capacity to represent this from the table data.

I have a very specific need for a DCAL macro that can take such information from raw spreadsheet (Excel)...obviously to a set format...and extract them into lines (in 3d) in datacad.

I wonder if someone is interested (or capable) of writing such a macro for me?

The Excel sheet may look like the following...

RL = 223

0-50 = 55
50-100 = 57
100-250 = 61

0-50 = 210
50-100 = 205
100-250 = 209

71 059-061 0.29
71 060-061 0.71
71 061-062 0.73
71 062-063 0.22
71 063-064 0.22
71 064-065 1.62
71 065-066 1.01
71 066-067 1.15
71 067-068 1.92


RL = 223 = starting z height of hole

0-50 = 55
= inclination (55 degrees from horizontal) of the line from 0m - 50m
50-100 = 57 = inclination (57 degrees from horizontal) of the line from 50m - 100m
100-250 = 61 = inclination (61 degrees from horizontal) of the line from 100m - 250m

0-50 = 210
= azmith (variation in degrees from true north in plan view) of the line from 0m - 50m
50-100 = 205 = azmith (variation in degrees from true north in plan view)of the line from 50m - 100m
100-250 = 209 = azmith (variation in degrees from true north in plan view) of the line from 100m - 250m

71 = name of line (tag)

059-061 = 1m segment of the line (each segment needs to drawn individually)

0.29 = line colour reference for each segment (ie 0.0 - 0.02 = yellow, 0.021 - 0.50 = brown, and so on)

The idea is to automate the drawing of lines from raw Excel data, via a Dcal macro....and very happy to pay...if reasonable

I can be contacted at info (at)

Regards and thanks in advance,


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