The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#26855 by ERT
Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:11 am
The programmers can use OOP inherit from TDCUserObject, that they generating new entites.
#26917 by ERT
Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:39 am
The programmers create special DLL-s, that writing in DCAL. The DLL has some class, which inherit from TDCUserObject. Need registration. This DLL is not macro. Not run in DataCAD. This DLL extended the DataCAD. The DataCAD load these DLL-s, when starting.

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