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#26915 by ERT
Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:32 am
I create some polylines with void in the DataCAD, no macro, only from menu.
And I read data of the polylines in my macro.
I use VOIDGET command, that read the void info of the polylines, like read the voids of slab. (In slab's void reading has no problem)
DataCAD say: DataCAD internal diagnostics fault 9 from 736.
What does it mean?

Please, help me.

#26918 by Jsosnowski
Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:41 am
There is No published list of Datacad error messages and there meanings. It probably would not have much meaning for your use without being able to reference the DataCad source code. It probably informs them of where in the code the program was when it failed. Did you encounter this error while running your macro? It could very well be a problem with your coded that resulted in the failure. You may want to create some debugging messages in you code so that you can see where you are in your code when it happens.
#26920 by devinder
Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:16 am
void_get works only on polygons and slabs. It is not intended to work on polylines. We have different routines to get polyline voids, but those have not been externalized as of yet. I will externalize them for next DCAL update.

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