Support on o2c files (Objects 2 See) and o2c Interactive!
#31591 by Giuseppe Barberio
Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:26 am
Can o2c interatactive create a building section Via Clip Cubes without losing any rendered images/surfaces of a building? I would like to cut a building model which is fully rendered to show a section view.

Hope someone can help me with this or make some recommendations.

Thank you,

#31592 by DBrennfoerder
Sun Jan 06, 2008 11:15 am
I don't think so, sounds like a clever idea, but v11 wouldn't do it for me. I think you'll have to export to SketchUp, which can easily do what you want.
#31607 by Tony Blasio
Mon Jan 07, 2008 7:54 am
o2c doesn't recognize Clip Cubes. I wish it did though.....
#35483 by pjc_architect
Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:27 pm
What I do to simulate a clip cube, is to select something (Move, Drag, area or group or entity) until it is dashed-but do not actually drag it anywhere. Then hit the O2C button, and I only get what is selected actually rendered in O2C. It is a lot faster than waiting for the whole area to load and render when I am just dealing with a particular room or space, or structural element.
#35494 by Rick Oswalt
Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:35 pm
In the past I used the Move command now I use the "CTR+e" (copy to clip board).
Seems faster and no worry of moving things around.

To make a somewhat crude model section/cutaway with Smart or regular walls.

Without Roof Slabs,
Add a few new nodes in various walls, at the boundries of the cutway that you want to see.
Then "CTR+e" (copy command) select the entities by area or fence with or without crossing.
Fence around the model just outside the new nodes. This will (select) turn the entities to dashed lines.

Open the the highlighted model in O2C
Should have a cut away model of the selected entities.

With Roof Slabs
First 3d knife the roof slabs.
Then do the "CTR+e" trick above.

Smart windows and doors act a little wierd.

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