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#17563 by Miguel Palaoro
Wed Dec 20, 2006 7:12 am

A potential partner, who developes softwares for Thermal Control in building projects is interested in translating our .AEC drawings into the .DXF format which his software can read.

Is there (or will be possibly available) any engine that could be supplied to him, for providing an automatic conversion among our drawings AEC->DXF to be read by his drawing editor ?
He would insert this engine on a batch routine into his "Import" command for AEC format drawings.

Additionaly, for .DC5 format, would be any similar solution ?

#19779 by denhorn
Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:10 am
I was interested in writing an AEC to DXF converter. However, even though their is a wealth of documentation on the DXF format, there exists, at least to my knowledge, not one iota of documentation for the Datacad's AEC format. If anyone knows of any, I would be interested in it.
#19802 by joshhuggins
Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:47 am
I know nothing about the legal aspects of this type of stuff, or where Datacad stands on anything. Soooooo, let me jump in :wink: . Maybe Datacad could create (in their free time :lol: ) a little package of their format translators and licence it to these types of companies to use in their software to allow better compatibility with Datacad. I'm sure it's nowhere near the top of the to-do list right now, but it seems like the technical part would be more on the other company's end and I'm sure some hefty legal lifting. Also I'd guess Datacad would tread very lightly with getting too connected to another outside company and would want to keep it simple. Just all guesses here.
#19807 by Miguel Palaoro
Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:28 pm
joshhuggins wrote:...Maybe Datacad could create (in their free time :lol: ) a little package of their format translators and licence it to these types of companies to use in their software to allow better compatibility with Datacad.
...Also I'd guess Datacad would tread very lightly with getting too connected to another outside company and would want to keep it simple.

Hello Cousin,

The possibility to share digital data with other developers who specializes on their markets, could benefit both companies. Indeed I don't believe it could be created in free time, if any, so it requires some resources investment. But, absolutely, would help a lot to create a connected network of developers, independent from the MammothCAD realm.

#19921 by Jsosnowski
Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:27 pm
How did Datacad get the format for DWG? I don't follow these things closely, but if Autocad made the format available then what about Datacad....

If the format was obtained by reverse engineering it, then good luck. I would not think there is enough demand to warrant the effort someone would have to apply.

As for Datacad assisting, what advantage would be offered for them to port directly from Datacad to Autocad without the need to own Datacad?
#29865 by estalo
Thu Nov 01, 2007 7:36 am
Hello Miguel,

It´s what our company is looking for. We need a routine to convert .AEC to .DXF directly in our application.

Can DATACAD team or the forum team help us?

Thanks in advance

Estalo Team
#33661 by anamoglam
Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:18 am
we have an employee that left for 2 weeks, and took her dongle chip... so now we can't open her file. I downloaded the trial version, but it won't open her file, because: "can't open files larger than 5mb" But the file .aec is 1.3 megs!
Getting pissed...
Any one want to make 20$ and convert this file to dwg for me?
#33672 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Mar 05, 2008 11:48 am
Hello & welcome,

You should send it in to TechSupport AT DataCAD DOT com, and include the user name and serial number from the DcadWin.INI file (the end of the [General] section) for her license.
#33684 by anamoglam
Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:03 pm
They are very nice people, who want to help if you ever contact them!
(I did and they helped me).
#33685 by Michael Olney
Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:06 pm
anamoglam wrote:They are very nice people, who want to help if you ever contact them!
(I did and they helped me).

I've never experienced better customer service from any other company.
#33686 by Neil Blanchard
Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:18 pm

The reason the 5MB limit applied in your case, is the 1.3MB AEC is compressed (at ~1:10), and the 5MB limit applies to the decompressed swap file; which would be ~12MB or so.

I'm glad you got access to your file. The folks at DataCAD are a very helpful bunch, for sure!

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