The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#34151 by joshhuggins
Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:39 pm
Does anybody know of a way to insert a stamp like the "Path+Name+Extension" (@DWGFULLNAMEEXT) stamp into a symbol, so that when the symbol in inserted into a drawing unexploded, the stamp will show the path to the symbol it was inserted from, not the drawing it's inserted into. Using the @DWGFULLNAMEEXT stamp in the symbol, and then double clicking on the symbol to edit it the stamp shows the path to the symbol while editing, probably because it's really a drawing at that point I'd guess. I tried a few things like @DSFFULLNAMEEXT and @SYMFULLNAMEEXT with no luck. If this is not possible yet, I hope it's something do able that could be added at some point. TIA.

I am still trying to figure out a way to do the above. Is there somewhere I can look at a list of the available codes we can use? It looks like the pre-made stamps are using DCAL Procedures, is this correct? Or are we limited to using the user created stamps which are limited to simple text substitution set by the UserChangeTo_1= line or using combination of the pre-made stamps?

At this point I would settle being able to open a symbol for editing, insert the DwgFullName=@DWGFULLNAME stamp which at that point works, and being able to "expand" it to dumb text and then save the symbol with normal text. I tried plugging in some newer symbol related procedures from StudioPM's Raw DCAL Notes as I found dwgname listed there and in the old Funclist.doc but I couldn't seem to get any results. If it's not possible on my end as of now that's fine. TIA for any ideas.
#34153 by Roger D
Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:46 pm
Don't know what exactly you are doing this with, but the Macro TplLib seems to be able to insert the path/file name when creating it's page of symbols in a Template.
Maybe you can look at that code?
#34155 by Tony Blasio
Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:20 pm
What would be the purpose or use of this?

I am not being critical just trying to help by understanding...
#34160 by joshhuggins
Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:30 pm
Roger D wrote:Don't know what exactly you are doing this with, but the Macro TplLib seems to be able to insert the path/file name when creating it's page of symbols in a Template.
Maybe you can look at that code?
Ah that's right, haven't used that in quite a while. Don't know if the source code is available. Will have to check.

Tony Blasio wrote:What would be the purpose or use of this?

I am not being critical just trying to help by understanding...
All of our details are symbols. They have very long paths to their locations on the server. We currently have to manually type in the path. We are wanting to add a dynamic path on each symbol to help locate and manage our detail symbols. If a symbol stamp can be made to be dynamic and understand the symbol it resides in, like the drawing name stamp we would not have to worry about someone taking an existing detail, modifying it and saving it to a different location without updating the symbol path information, which is what we have right now, and it's become a mess. If it's not possible right now that's fine but if it was I really wanted to try to get it to work.

For a work around I was hoping there was a way to expand/explode the @@DWGFULLNAMEEXT stamp to standard text and make a toolbar button to force users to use that when creating or modifying symbols, but I couldn't find a way to do that either. Oh well bigger fish to fry anyway, on to the next big deal. Thanks :wink:

Added @@DWGFULLNAMEEXT in Symbol Editor showing correct path.

Inserted unexploded symbol into a drawing showing drawing path vs. symbol path.
#40076 by joshhuggins
Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:23 pm
Any one know of a macro that will make a template out of a folder of symbols? If I can get something like that to work, then I can use the TplLib macro to at least catalog our symbols until I figure out something for the above need. Thanks for any leads.

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