The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#37658 by rod_walker
Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:35 am
I have previously used PFE32 as text editor when writing dcal programmes.
After a computer upgrade when trying to compile with dcc.exe I get a 'file handle invalid' messages.
DCC1 and DCC2 work fine.

If I use dos command window I get 'stack overflow'.

I have just downloaded Ultra edit. Again dcc1 & dcc2 work but not dcc.exe. Is there any solution, or is it a function of Windows XP?

Rod Walker
#37660 by Jsosnowski
Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:52 am
Back in the last millenium, I remember having a similar problem. I overcame it by writing a batch file that ran DCC1 & DCC2 with separate line commands.
#37818 by rod_walker
Sat Jul 12, 2008 2:39 am
Thanks Joe,
I found a good editor (PSPAD from
I still cant use dcc.exe; but PSpad wil handle dc1, dc2 and the linker with out- put to a capture window. It remembers the dos command so it is fairly quick to recompile and test.
I should not have discarded the old MSDos manuals; so will have to do a Google on batch file programing.
Rod Walker
#37827 by Jsosnowski
Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:47 pm
The following batch file will compile a macro called contxt under the directory DCAL and generate report files:

Code: Select alldel \dcal\contxt.dco
cd \dcal
dcc1 \dcal\\contextcontxt >\dcal\context\1ctx_a.rpt
dcc2 \dcal\\contextcontxt >\dcal\context\1ctx_b.rpt
cd \dcal\context

The following batch file will link a multiple unit macro:

Code: Select alldel \dcal\context\contxt.dcx
cd \dcal\context
dcl <\dcal\context\context.lnk >\dcal\context\1link.rpt
cd \dcal\context
copy \dcal\context\contxt.dcx c:\dcad5\dcx\context.dcx

The following tsext file contains the instructions for linking:
Context.lnk is a text file that contains the line "contxt+convar+ctmain;" for three DCO units
#40137 by Vicente T. Fernandes
Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:26 am
I received this message 'stack overflow' when I tried compile with DCC in Windows XP Home Edition. Support DCAL answer:

Hello Vicente:

Please refer to the updated tutorial on the DDN site. DCC.EXE is not compatible with the command prompt in Windows.




Then type,


Finally type,


You should be able to compile your test macro using these three separate steps.

DCAL Tutorial

Thank You,


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