The DataCAD Developer Network (DDN) is an online resource for information and support for DCAL® (DataCAD Applications Language) developers as well as anyone interested in creating fonts, toolbars, hatch patterns, or linetypes for use in DataCAD.
#40404 by ERT
Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:37 pm
\Program Files\DataCAD 12\DCAL\INC\*.inc

if you installed the DCAL (I think)

#40438 by ERT
Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:35 am
1. mysterious BUILTIN <number>: DataCAD builtin functions entry point

2. INC folder (\Program Files\DataCAD 12\DCAL\INC\*.inc)
look this, if you search more builtin function entry points

3. and look the link (I wrote it above), if you search "msg_OK" function:
(New Dcal Routines for DataCAD Version 9.0)


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