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#41417 by ORWoody
Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:18 am
In the message about my other topic, I asked about module line limits, but the thought that most of the problem could be cleared up by making the modules Public and using Calls to them in the base macro. (If I'm using the names wrong, please forgive me. I'm just a proficient DataCAD user who happened to create a decent macro with lots of help from real programmers.)
What I'm getting at here is that six basic choices in the macro, use only two different module packages, but the packages are lengthy. If they could be made Public, the number of lines in each module would drop significantly. I don't know how one declares something Public and how one makes the Call.
Thanks much,
#41462 by Jsosnowski
Tue Feb 03, 2009 9:06 am
If you want a procedure or function to work outside of the module, declare it as public and declare it in the "ModuleName.INC" file. You then declare the "inc" file in the module you want to use it in.

#include '../wrtutl/'

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